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Hannah, Beth, and Josh's sister

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Hannah, Beth, and Josh's sister


Honest: 6/10
Charitable: 4/10
Funny: 5/10
Brave: 7/10
Romantic: 4/10
Curious: 3/10

Ashley: 6/10
Chris: 8/10
Emily: 4/10
Jess: 4/10
Josh: 9/10
Matt: 8/10
Mike: 5/10
Sam: 6/10
Beth: 9/10
Hannah: 9/10

RelationsAshley: 6/10Chris: 8/10Emily: 4/10Jess: 4/10Josh: 9/10Matt: 8/10Mike: 5/10Sam: 6/10Beth: 9/10Hannah: 9/10

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Sam x Katy = Kamy


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A tiny butterfly flapping it's wings today could lead too a devastating hurricane weeks from now

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A tiny butterfly flapping it's wings today could lead too a devastating hurricane weeks
from now

the smallest decision can
dramatically change the future

your actions will shape
how the story unfold

your story is one
of many possibilities

choose your actions

choose your actions carefully

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Sam: blah blah

Katy: blah blah

Is texting.

Nicknames for anyone who didn't play the game!

Emily: Em
Matthew: Matt (always referred)
Jessica: Jess (usually referred)
Michael: (always referred)
Joshua: Josh (usually referred)
Hannah: Han
Beth: B
Samantha: Sam (always referred)
Ashley: Ash (usually referred)
Christopher: Chris (always preferred)

Unless using as argumentative or teasing. There nicknames are used. !


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HURRICANE   ,   sam giddingsWhere stories live. Discover now