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...7 hours until dawn...

a kiss for two

Katy turned back to look at a smiling Sam. "I love you too," Sam whispered softly. Katy blushed softly "Well come on in."

Katy quickly unbuttoned her shirt and slipped off her pants. Folding them, she set them next to Sam's. Katy with just her bra and underwear climbed into the bathtub, a relaxing hot water touching her skin. She sunk into the water looking at Sam. A blonde strand laying over her left eye. Katy couldn't stop herself from pressing her lips against the blondes. Sam cupped her face softly, this was something Katy had missed.

Sam. Everything Sam.

Katy rested her hands on Sam's breasts softly. Sam moved her hands to Katy's lower back. The two girls separated. Staring into one another's eyes. "Sam..." Katy whispered. "Is this okay?"

Sam nodded "Of course it is." She said softly. Katy leaned her body against Sam's.

— flashback —

Katy smiled at Sam. She was 15, in love with the girl. But two girls couldn't be in love? Right?

Katy didn't know why she was suddenly feeling things for girls. She was meant to be a guy.

The girls exchanged happy laughs as they watched movies, ate popcorn, and played board games. Sam was over for a sleepover, the two were finally able to ditch Hannah and Beth to hang out.

"I win!" Sam cheered, clapping excitedly.

"Ah damn." Katy frowned, but looked back at Sam. A small smile formed on Sam's face.

"Well, now what?" Sam questioned.

"Uh um." She started "I dunno." She popped some popcorn in her mouth.

Sam started putting the board game away as Katy heard footsteps coming upstairs. "Katy!" Hannah shouted, bursting into her room "Finally there you are!"

"What's up?" Katy asked sheepishly.

"You just completely left me. With Chris and Josh. What's up with that?" Hannah asked, frowning.

"Sorry." Katy apologized, "We wanted to watch a movie. Didn't think you would want to."

— flashback over —

Oh, why didn't Katy spend time with Hannah when she had the chance to? Why couldn't she go back to those happy moments when her sisters were alive?

Katy just continued staring at Sam. Thoughts running through her head. "God I hope Josh is okay..." she said quietly.

"Me too," Sam said softly, understanding. She hoped Ashley and Chris saw there was nothing hidden in their library. Like what fool would believe this crap?

Katy smiled "I'm so sorry Sam, I'm sorry about the whole breakup thing." Katy apologized again.

"Katy stop apologize." Sam told her, "You don't need to apologize. I just wished you would have done it a different way. That's all."

Katy sighed but nodded. "Okay." She said.

"Wanna listen to some music with me?" Sam asked.

Katy smiled "Sure." She said and Sam gave her one earphone. Katy sat next to her, leaning her head back as she listening to music.

A/N: I'm sorry about this short chapter. There wasn't much to write off of Sam in this chapter so I just did a little romantic scene!

HURRICANE   ,   sam giddingsWhere stories live. Discover now