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...10 hours until dawn...

welcome back

Katy stepped out of the bus, with her brother, breathing in the familiar scent of the mountain. Before letting the cold air reach her skin, making her shiver. "I forgot how cold it could get up here..." she mumbled, rubbing her hands together.

Josh nodded "Yeah it is pretty chilly, let's get to the lodge quickly then?" Josh suggested, shivering as well.

It had been a year since the twins disappeared. Roughly 9 months since Sam and Katy broke up and 7 months since Emily and Mike did. Of course, thought Mike and Emily both moved on to Matt and Jess. While Katy was still moping over Sam. "Yeah let's do that." Katy agreed, nodding her head. Katy started walking in the direction of the cable car station. The snow crunching by her feet for every step. "You said everyone's coming right?" She looked up at Josh.

Josh nodded "Yeah everyone called back and said they would." Josh replied. Katy bit her lip, she hasn't seen Sam since the day they broke up, and she was trying to figure out what she would do when she finally saw Sam today. As they approached the lower cable car station, Josh pulled the keys out of his pocket, only to realize the door was already unlocked "Hm, seems like Chris is here already."

Katy watched her brother open the door, the car about halfway to then "It's almost here." She informed. Josh looked around the station, before walking over to her.

"Excited?" He asked, nudging her shoulder. Josh was all for this, all for them spending 'quality' time together, with the people whose mistakes killed their sisters.

"Nervous." She corrected, Josh, painted a questioning look on his face. "About Sam."

"Oh." Josh said quietly "Oh! Well uh, I don't know."

Katy shook her head "It's okay Josh." She reassured as the cable car stopped. Josh slid open the door.

"Ladies first." He said, signaling her to go through the door.

Katy gave her brother a grin before stepping in and taking a seat. She rubbed her arms trying to stay warm. Josh as well stepped into the cable car and slid the door shut, sitting next to Katy. "The most nerve-wracking part to get to the lodge."

"Yeah." Josh agreed, "The thing could just snap at any given moment."

Katy's head turned to him "Josh! Don't say that!" She disciplined.

"This mountain is old, this cable car has been here forever if it would break." Josh answered, "If would of broke by now."

"That's just another reason this thing could break," Katy said. But shook it off anyway. "Does Chris have a key to the lodge?"

Josh shook his head "No I didn't give him one." Josh replied. "He'll be fine sitting out there for a little bit."

Katy nodded "Okay." She said. Josh leaned back into the cable car. It came to a stop once they arrived at the upper station. Josh slid the door open, letting Katy step out first. Again the cold air touched her skin, making her shiver. She hears Josh step into the snow once she was out, shutting the door. Katy started walking around the station, letting Josh do whatever he wanted before they made their way to the lodge again. Katy got a glimpse of something brown laying in the snow.

She walked over to it. She leaned down and picked it up. It was a totem "Hmm." She mumbled, turning it over.

found by Katy at the upper cable car station

Katy can be seen running from loud screeching noises "Shit fuck!" She screamed, she turned around to see a non-human-looking monster. "Help!"

Katy suddenly tripped, she didn't know where she was. "Sam..." she mumbled. The creature picked her up, which made Katy let out a blood-curdling scream.

The creature decapitated her. She was dead.

Katy tossed it back into the snow, struggling. "Katelyn!" Josh teased, using her real name. "We gotta keep going."

Katy nodded and walked over to her brother "Okay let's go then." She replied, walking in the direction of the cabin.

She was excited to her friends, and Sam. But nervous for the same reason and plus what if the truth about the twins come out.

Of course, she wants the truth. But if the twins were brutally murdered and there was a murderer on the mountain, that's what worried her. Josh needed this and so did Katy. They needed their friends to support them through this grieving process.

Especially since their parents weren't doing shit to help them. Katy pulled out her phone as it buzzed.

Chris: Josh, Katy. Hurry up we're all waiting...

Katy: we're almost there.

Ashley: finally it's freezing out here.

Katy smiled at her phone before putting it back into her pocket. "They're getting chilly." She informed him.

"What do they expect it's like what? 5 degrees out?" He questioned, chuckling. "But it is a lot colder than my mind remembers it being.

Katy nodded, agreeing. "Yeah uh it definitely is," Katy said, laughing with him.

As they approached the lodge, she finally got a glimpse of her inpatient friends, and Sam.

A/N: I'm sorry this chapter took forever. the last book I was in quarantine when I wrote it. check out my TikTok @//fanticwriter_! And leave your thoughts here!

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