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...6 hours until dawn...

washington siblings

Katy turned her head towards the door quickly as she heard something. Sam had done the same. "Did you hear that?" Katy asked.

"The candle went out." Sam whispered, "Guys what the hell are you doing... being creepy?"

Sam climbs out of the bathtub grabbing a towel, wrapping it around her. She grabs one for Katy and hands it to her.

Katy as well wraps the towel around herself and watches Sam. "Hey uh where are our clothes?" Katy asked.

"Oh for Pete's sake! My clothes really!" Sam shouted. "Whichever one of you did this is off my Christmas list seriously not cool guys." Sam looks around before exiting the bathroom, Katy following behind her.

"What the fuck." Katy mumbled seeing red balloons with arrows pointing. "Chris? Josh?"

"Chris? Mike? Emily?" Sam questioned "Guys Cmon. This is really getting out of hand. It was all very funny. Haha, look at them walking around in a towel."

Sam groaned and Katy sighed. "Can we please have our clothes back?" Katy begged.

"Okay if you're trying to freak us out. You succeeded." Sam admitted. They were following the balloon arrows "Where are they?"

"Guys Cmon! Stop the silent treatment." Katy yelled. Katy and Sam made their way into the cinema but the door slammed behind them. "What the fuck!"

Katy and Sam both turned with a mild scream. "Hello, Samantha and Katelyn. Looking for me?" Some dark voice asked.

"What... what the hell!" Sam exclaimed.

"You're only gonna see what I want you to see." The voice said. "And I have quite a lot to show you."

The large cinema TV turns on which makes Katy jump, it was the two of them in the bathtub. "What the hell?" Katy mumbled.

"Oh my god," Sam said.

"They're quite beautiful aren't they. Two bathing birds." The voice said, "Do you think they have any idea what lies ahead. Do you think this is the last happy moment in this creature's life?"

"How... why... why did you?" Sam stammered.

"Why are you showing us this?" Katy questioned.

"Why're you watching." He teased.

Suddenly a video of Josh getting sawed in half was showed on the large screen. "No! Josh!" Katy cried.

"Josh!" Sam yelled. Letting out a scream.

"How does this make you feel?" The voice asked.

"What did you do!" Katy screamed.

"I'll give you 10 seconds." The voice said.

Katy and Sam looked at each other as the voice counted down, but the door burst open by 7. Sam quickly grabbed a glass vase next to her and ran off with Katy. "Shit! Shit! Fuck." Sam hissed. They ran into a bedroom. Sam climbs over the bed, Katy right behind her.

The two girls continued running. Katy nearly slips on the broken step but can avoid it.

Katy and Sam ran quickly, gripping each other's hands. They hid behind a shelf, remaining as still as possible. But the psycho still managed to find them. They went to attack Sam, shoving Katy off but Sam grabbed a bat and hit him with it. Sam ran off, rushing towards another door. "Shit!" Sam shouted. Katy went running after her but the psycho grabbed ahold of her, taking a mask and putting it over her face.

"Sam..." Katy croaked, getting droopy.

"Fuck." Sam whispered, running over to the psycho and Katy, she hit it with the bat again and grabbed a sleepy Katy, and rushed off with her.

Katy struggled to run at Sam's speed. But Sam made sure she stayed caught up. "Seriously no handle!" Sam shouted. Sam forces the door open and slams it behind them shutting the small little door. Sam set Katy down and hit her face gently "Wake up Kat."

Katy groaned "Fuck." She mumbled. When Katy was able to stand they continued walking. Sam hears the psycho again.

Sam pulls Katy over to an elevator shaft and the two girls hide in it. "Here kitty's. Here pussy pussy's." The psycho said. Sam and Katy again remained still. Sam switched the flashlight off. "Fuck!"

The psycho walks off but Sam and Katy stay there for a few seconds until they're sure he's gone. "Holy shit," Katy mumbled. "Josh is dead..."

A/N: I wasn't expecting this chapter to be done this fast. Lol. I'm sorry that these chapters are a bit shorter. The next one will be too Bc you don't play Sam at all so I'll make up my own thing. I doubt another chapter will be up soon Bc I have to get ready for the bus in like 10. But maybe.

HURRICANE   ,   sam giddingsWhere stories live. Discover now