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...1 hour until dawn...

the ending

Katy walked with Mike and Sam "I was not prepared for how ugly that thing would be up close," Sam commented.

"Yeah..." Mike agreed, "So I noticed something kind of weird about it..."

"Uh, what?" Katy asked.

"The Wendigo- It had a scar," Mike explained.

"So?" Sam asked.

"I've seen it before," Mike said.

"What are you talking about?" Sam asked.

Katy looked at Mike who bit down on his lip "I saw these old pictures of some guy with that same scar - and he was transforming into a Wendigo," Mike explained.

"You're kidding me," Katy said.

"It was one of those miners who'd been trapped, back in the 50s... in the cave-in," Mike explained, "Which means that thing is 80 years old. At least,"

"Spunky for an old-timer," Sam joked.

"They cleaned the place out... killed a lot of people," Mike added.

"They? You mean there're more of them?" Katy asked.

"Oh yeah," Mike replied.

"How many?" Sam asked.

"Too many," Mike answered.

"I think we're close. To the lair..." Katy said. Feeling uneasy.

"How can you tell?" Mike asked.

"I dunno, I just feel really uneasy all of a sudden," Katy replied.

"Ditto," Mike said.

"I really don't want to go in there..." Sam said.

"There's no other way through," Mike pointed out.

"Mike... Katy... Is that what I think it is?" Sam said, approaching something.

"Shit... looks like a grave," Mike said.

Katy picks something up. Beth's watch. "No- no no no... no!" she cried.

"What?" Sam asked quickly, "What is it?"

"Oh god... this is Beth's! This is her watch!" Katy cried, showing it to Mike and Sam.

"Holy shit," Mike remarked.

"Look - there was a cross here," Sam pointed out.

The three of them examined the cross "So this is where she was buried," Mike said.

"But who dug her up?" Katy inquired.

"Let's keep moving," Mike suggested.

"Fine. I'm going in," Sam agreed. She looked down at the water, hesitating.

Mike climbed in and looked up at the two girls "Come on. It's okay," He reassured them.

HURRICANE   ,   sam giddingsWhere stories live. Discover now