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...9 hours until dawn...

her pretty eyes

Katy and Josh approached the lodge where they could see Chris and Sam in the distance. "Cochise! Sammy!" Josh shouted, a smile forming on his face. The two turned and Chris smiled at his best friend.

"Finally." Chris sighed in relief. Josh exchanged a hug with the two of them. Then Chris hugged Katy.

Sam and Katy went to hug each other but stopped themselves "Hey Kat." Sam mumbled, using her nickname for Katy.

"Hey, Sam..." Katy said.

"Awkward." Josh teased, making Katy hit her brother playfully.

"Shut up!" She hissed, not wanting to embarrass herself further than she already had.

Josh winced, jumping slightly. He looked back at Chris "Shall we get these ladies in the lodge?" Josh joked.

Chris nodded "Alright." He said shrugging and the two boys walked off.

"Hey Kat. I don't want this weekend to be awkward. I'm here for you." Sam told her.

Katy nodded "I know Sam... thank you." She said quietly. The two girls made their way to the front of the lodge.

"Katy!" Matt cheered and hugged her tightly. Anyone who knew Katy knew Matt. The two had been best friends since they met at the age of 10.

Katy smiled hugging him back. "Hey, Matt." She said softly, she saw Ashley, out of the corner of her eyes, sitting on the porch step. "How's Em?"

"She's great, we're great," Matt replied. The two exchanged one more glance before Matt walked away, in the direction Sam had gone. Once again Katy saw something small laying in the snow. It was another totem, she picked it up.

found by katy outside the lodge

Katy and Sam ran quickly, gripping each other's hands. They hid behind a shelf, remaining as still as possible. But the psycho still managed to find them. They went to attack Sam, shoving Katy off but Sam grabbed a bat and hit him with it. Sam ran off, rushing towards another door. "Shit!" Sam shouted. Katy went running after her but the psycho grabbed ahold of her, taking a mask and putting it over her face.

"Sam..." Katy croaked, getting droopy.

"Fuck." Sam whispered, running over to the psycho and Katy, she hit it with the bat again and grabbed a sleepy Katy, and rushed off with her.

Katy sighed "What are these doing up here." She mumbled to herself, tossing it back in the snow.

Josh and Chris had turned back around and sighed. "It's frozen shut." Chris informed, "We'll be back."

Katy nodded "Okay." She said and sat down next to Ashley. "Hey, Ash."

"Hey, Katy. How are you...?" She asked quietly. Her voice trembling, like she was nervous.

HURRICANE   ,   sam giddingsWhere stories live. Discover now