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The group sat in a large circle, a bottle in the middle of them. Katy sat next to her older brother, Josh, and girlfriend, Sam. The group was playing spin the bottle.

Emily raised a finger to her lip "You go first." She said, signaling to Hannah. "Han."

Hannah bit her lip, looking at Beth. Until she leaned forward, spinning the bottle. Katy watched for what felt like a century until it stopped. She looked up to see who it landed on. Mike.

Hannah looked at Mike, Mike grinning like he usually does. "Well go ahead." Ashley nudged.

Hannah sighed, leaning forward until her lips touched his. Emily fumed her arms across her chest. Hannah pulled back and Mike was smiling. Emily groaned and got up, walking away. Everyone watched her leave until Jessica went after her.

"Well, that was." Katy started, "Fun." She looked at Sam and then Josh.

"Chris and I are gonna go drink. Wanna come?" Josh asked the couple.

Katy looked at Sam who shook her head. "I will. Sam won't." She finalized. Katy and Sam both stood to their feet, brushing the dust off of them. "I'll see you later."

Sam walked off to find where the rest of the group had gone and Katy followed her brother and Chris. Josh walked over to the fridge and pulled a container of Jeremiah Craig out of the fridge. Katy took a seat on one of the stools and so did Chris. Josh set the beer on the table and sat between the two. "Alright, here you go Katy." Josh said, handing her one, "And Chris." Chris took the one from his hand and opened it up.

Before Katy had known it she had drunk 3 beers, enjoying her time with her brother snd Chris. Chris was the first to pass out. But Josh and Katy kept drinking. Until finally they were both out as well.

The little Katy remembers from that was hearing Beth. "Katy! Josh! Wake up!" Beth cried. But Katy just turned to head away and stayed on the counter. She heard footsteps runoff.

The next day she woke up to Josh shaking her "Katy!" He cried, "The twins! They're gone."

Katy's head was throbbing but she sat up to look at her brother. "What do you mean gone?" She questioned.

"The others said Hannah got upset last night about some prank," Josh explained. "She left the lodge and Beth went after her."

Katy looked around, "What the fuck." She mumbled. "Call mom and dad."

"Done." Josh said, "First thing I did."

"Well? Did you call the police? So they can look for them?" Katy asked.

"Mom and Dad told me to wait until they get here," Josh replied.

Katy sighed, looking around the lodge again. "Fuck. Of course, they did." She said and hopped from her chair. No one was in sight besides Chris who was still passed out.

The twins were announced missing just hours later. The investigators searched the whole mountain, or at least said they did. Over the span of the next year, Emily and Mike broke up. As did Sam and Katy.

I hope you enjoyed the prologue. Sorry it's pretty short! Anyways stay tuned for the next chapter.

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