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...4 hours until dawn...

dear brother

Katy and Sam had kept making their way through the hotel but once they heard the psycho walking around, they climbed into an air vent.

That's where they were now, hopping out of the air vent. The room looked to be a workshop. Sam sighed "There's no time to look around, let's go." Sam said. The girl linked hands and made their way past a wall grate, exiting the workshop.

Suddenly both Sam and Katy feel someone grab ahold of their ankles. Sam's eyes shifted down "Guys?" They both heard Mike say.

"Mike! What are you doing down there! There's a maniac-" Sam was cut off.

"Shh! It's okay... it's okay." Mike interrupted.

Sam and Katy both knelt down so they could see Mike. "Mike?" Katy questioned, "W-where's Jessica? She's not with you?"

Mike looked down "Jessica's dead." He said.

"What?" Sam exclaimed.

"He killed her. There's some maniac on the mountain who is trying to kill us. All of us. And I swear to God, when everyone is safe and accounted for I am gonna hunt that fucker down and rip his nuts off one at a goddamn time." Mike hissed angrily.

"Whoa..." Katy whispered.

"Listen, this guy who you're talking about... he attacked us. He showed us these videos, too, and one of them showed Josh being killed... just... ripped apart by this huge fucking sawblade..." Sam explained.

Mike looked at Katy's who face dropped at the thought of Josh. "I'm sorry Katy." He said softly.

Katy shook her head "I'm fine." She lied.

"What the fuck is going on around here." Mike mumbled to himself "There's a door here, it won't open. Can you unlock it from your side?"

Sam looked around "Yeah let's check." Sam told him. Katy and Sam walk to a door and she grabs a backpack. Katy and Sam push the door open, stepping out into more of the hotel. They both walk over to Mike's door and removes the plank of wood. Sam and Katy both open the door. "Jeez. You look like hell."

"Nice to see you too," Mike added. Katy chuckled and followed Sam who was on the other side of the room, opening her backpack. "What are you guys doing?"

Sam turned to look at Mike "Well actually, the towel didn't turn out to be the best outfit for fighting off killer maniacs, you know? Do you mind? Mike?"

Mike smiled "Oh yeah right. My bad." He said sheepishly and turned around.

Sam and Katy both change into the clothes they had in the bag Sam had brought. "Alright, we're done," Katy told Mike, who turned back around.

"Amen to that," Mike said.

"Please!" They all suddenly heard Ashley cry.

"I can't decide!" Chris shouted.

"What was that?" Sam questioned.

HURRICANE   ,   sam giddingsWhere stories live. Discover now