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“Now repeat what you just said.” I say scribbling down a few details of his story.

“She had been seducing me ever since I started working at her company. Of course I couldn’t report her because I am just an intern on probation. One mistake and I am out of the job. So I tried to avoid her as much as I could. Then one day, last week, she just came into my office, hot, sexy and fast. Everything happened really fast. I remember responding to her kiss, after that, everything just happened so fast. Clothes flying in the air and all that.

Someone knocked after we had fucked and I acted as if nothing happened. I guess that’s what upset her the most. She wanted some cuddling and acknowledgement after sex and I couldn’t provide it because I was tricked into having sex with her. I am the one who was actually raped because she forced herself on me. I said no a couple of times but she just forced herself and I couldn’t push her hard and have her injured or something.” I sigh and place down my pen. I take off my reading glasses and look at him with my head tilted to the side.

“First things first, we need to get you out of this place. I can’t hold meetings in an unhygienic place like this. It makes me cringe. So we are applying for bail as soon as possible. And then we can discuss the way forward. Now do you have a passport?”

“No. I was going to make one next month.”
“I see. How much is in your bank account?” he frowns. “Dude you have got to work with me here.” he sighs.

“I have about R3800 or less. I don’t remember.”
“That’s great. Does your mother work? If so, how much does she earn?”
“Roughly R8000 after deductions.”
“Do you want the police who beat you up to be held accountable for what they did to you?”
“Yes. My whole body hurts like hell.” I nod.

“I will apply for bail. In the meantime, I am going to have a doctor come and do a full check up on you and then we can move forward on the assault case against the officers. I am going to get you out of here. Relax. I just need you to trust me and also be honest and open with me. I don’t want surprises in the trial.” He nods.

“You look good by the way. Are you back for good in Durban?” I chuckle. Still charming as ever, even behind bars.
“I am back but I will surely leave again when there is a high profile case demanding my full attention like always.”

“So after I get out on bail, can I take you out for dinner?” I giggle and roll my eyes. “Come on. I am serious. We owe each other a dinner. We have some unfinished business that we need to solve between us.”
“Aren’t you in a relationship?” he avoids eye contact and chuckles nervously.
“That is not important. Now please get me out of here so that I can take you out on a date. You know my bank balance, so maybe I will be able to afford a meal at a 3 star restaurant, then maybe a night at Bayside.” I laugh and shake my head. I start packing away my stuff.

“I have a house, thank you very much. So it’s a no to Bayside. And I am a lawyer, so I understand that by avoiding answering a question about having a girlfriend means you have one. But since you don’t wanna tell me about her and since you wanna get inside my pants, I will let this one slide. If you are willing on cheating on her with a bomb like me, then she is a non-factor.” He laughs.

“You are so full of yourself, you know that?”
“I do. I will see you tomorrow. I have work to do.” I stand up and he also stands. “Hang in there. I am going to get you out of here. If there is anything you remember, please call me. They can’t deny you of that right, or else that would mean adding to the list of offences they have done against you. I am going to speak to the detective to allow your mother to see you, even if it’s just for a few minutes.”

“Thank you Noma. I owe you a lot.” I smile.

I take my bags and head to the detective’s office. After a few exchange of harsh words, he finally allows Lubabalo’s mother to go see her son. I wait for her in the car. I go through the facts of the case. I know it will be hard to prove Lubah’s innocence, but I guess I have to dig deeper. I have a feeling that this isn’t the first time this boss has done something like this and if I were to get some evidence or even witnesses that would make my case really strong. Lubah’s mother comes back with red puffy eyes. This woman has tears for days. She climbs inside the car and I drive out.

“Thank you so much for doing this for my son once again Advocate Biyela.” I smile.
“No need to thank me. I am just doing my job. Can I drop you off at your house?” she nods. “You will direct me then.”

After that, I play some music. I am a great conversationalist but I doubt the mother of a man I have slept with will be entertaining to talk to. She will surely keep on telling me just how innocent his son is, whereas I know he is not so innocent behind the sheets. In fact he is a freak. But she doesn’t need to know that. I drop her off at her house and then drive to KFC.

I need some skilled advocates and attorneys to help me with this case and I know bribing them with food will make them less grumpy and more helpful. Sure they work for me, but sometimes you gotta bribe even your workers just to get the job done. I get 3 21-piece buckets with chips, mini loaves and drinks. I also buy 2 24 wings’ bucket and then buy a fully loaded box for myself.

I drive back to the office. It’s close to lunch time. The securities help me carry the food to the boardroom and then I send a message to everyone that lunch will be available for everyone at the boardroom. I then make myself comfortable and type some of the few important details about the case on my laptop and then connect it to the projector in the room. Few minutes later, one by one, they all make their way to the boardroom.

“You bought food. Mmm. What do you want?” Quinn, a senior advocate, asks looking at me suspiciously. I just laugh and shake my head.
“Is it a crime to treat my staff to a meal?” I ask innocently.
“If it’s done by you, then yes.” He says taking a seat next to me. I just laugh. Everyone dishes up for themselves and sit down to start eating. “I am still waiting for you to tell us what you want.” He says biting a piece. I roll my eyes.

“I have a probono case I am working on. The accused allegedly raped his boss. She had been seducing him for months to no avail. Then she went hot and heavy last week, making it hard for him to resist. Even though he said no a few times during the intercourse, the boss ignored his pleas. After the incident, someone knocked on the accused’s office and that’s the end of the love affair.”

“I knew it.” Quinn says sitting back and I just laugh again. He is so dramatic.
“Now I want all hands on deck. I know there may be even hashtags on twitter right now. Hashtags like #AmINext? I want everyone to ignore them and help me solve this case. I have reason to believe that this isn’t the first time this boss has done something like this. The fact that the accused said ‘no’ numerous times classifies this case as a rape, meaning the boss forced herself to the accused.”

“This means we have to dig deeper and find names of males that have worked at this company. I am afraid we will have to interview all of them from the time she started running the company. That’s where we will be able to find out if she has done something like this before.” Lwanele states. She is an internal investigator and also an attorney.

“Meaning we have to get permission from the boss to show us the database of everyone that has worked at the company ever since she started being the boss.” Baboloki, a legal advisor, says.

“Not necessarily. We can just get an order from the court that permits us to go through such information because if we were to acquire it in our own way, then whichever evidence we come with in court, won’t suffice.” Quinn says.

“Okay. Lwanele, Kopano and Amber, your job is to apply for a court order that will allow you to get that information we need. Baboloki, Noemi and Vhudzi, you will be responsible for interviewing all those employees and be intimidating please. We need answers and soon.” Vhudzi is Lubah’s friend, the one he made me hire. He is a very hard working kid and is very dedicated in his job. He has assisted some of the advocates in 3 cases and his work is impressive. “You can continue with your lunch. Onalenna will send you some of my notes about the case.” I eat my food and we make small conversations here and there.

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