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“These witches! They are going to know me today. Whose daughter did they try to kill? I am going to deal with them one by one.” Mom says pacing up and down after I have told her about umeqo. She can’t even contain her breathing patterns. Simmy hands her bottled water and she drinks at least half of it. She hands the bottle back to Simmy and looks at me.

“Ma we don’t know who tried to do this but we are going to make sure that it never happens again. We are going to be extra careful and we are going to put in extra measures to make sure it doesn’t happen again.” She sighs and comes to sit next to me.

“But that’s not how you are supposed to live at your own home. You should be comfortable and free. And in order for that to happen, the evil ones must be eliminated or called to answer for their actions.” She says in a firm tone and I sigh. I definitely inherited the stubbornness from her. The royal healer finally comes in. he greets us and starts working. After a few minutes he asks us to step outside the room and he sprinkles some liquid around the room and even on the balcony. When he is done, he comes to us.

“There is still going to be many challenges you are going to face before and after your coronation my queen, but rest assured that the Biyela ancestors will be with you, protecting you and guiding you all the way. You are the chosen queen to lead the Biyela nation in this era and no one is going to take that away from you. I will see you tomorrow evening for when we start the welcoming ceremony.” He bows with a smile and walks away.

“Do you trust him?” I ask mom as we head down the stairs.
“Yeah, he is trustworthy and one of the few people who believed that I wasn’t going crazy. He is really genuine and serves only the ancestors. His duty is to make sure that the current and future queens are always protected and warned against danger.” We enter the kitchen and find Kungothando and Uluthando already waiting for us. We start preparing the food.

“So, Uluthando are you dating anyone?” I ask and she smiles shyly. She steals a glance at mom who rolls her eyes. She giggles and nods.
“It’s not that serious. He lives overseas and comes every once in a lifetime here but we always make sure we meet at least once in 3 months.” She answers. She is already a blushing mess.
“Where do you guys meet and how do you survive this long distance thing? Don’t you get horny? I think I would die of hunger if my man lived thousands of miles away from me.” I tease and she laughs.

“What is his name and what does he do for a living?” Kungothando asks.
“His name is Muzikhona Zulu and he is an intern at some huge company. I usually fly over there to see him. When he is here, we usually meet in Cape Town.”
“Muzikhona Zulu? Why does that name ring a bell?” I ask in a low tone and the light bulb goes on. “You are dating Lisa’s brother? Who has a twin whose name is Muziwabo?” she frowns.
“How do you know so much about him?”

“My best friend is Princess Melamina Zulu, so I have met the twins at least 3 times. I thought they came to the country only on special family occasions.”
“He is a Zulu prince?” mom asks. “Wow, so how serious is your relationship? Is he the one who broke your virginity?” Uluthando nods shyly and goes to take out a small tub of ice cream from the freezer. She sits down on a barstool and devours the ice cream trying to ignore our curious gazes.

“He never told me that he was a Zulu prince but he mentioned that his mother didn’t marry his father. So I didn’t connect the dots.” She says with a small shrug. “Guess I was drunk in love.”
“Hey, no one is blaming you here. The royal idiot is going to get a taste of my palm when I finally see him.” Kungothando says and that seems to cheer Uluthando up because she laughs whole heartedly.

After a lot a cooking, we finally finish preparing dinner. Mom instructs Khazimla and Ayize to set up the table. When they are done, they help us carry the casserole dishes and cutlery to the dining hall. Azile and Simmy keep watch of the food while we go freshen up. I am the second from last to join the family on the dinner table. As soon as I place my butt on the chair, mom makes a grand entrance wearing a beautiful floor length butterfly print bodycon dress with a head wrap and sandals. I still can’t believe how beautiful she is and how much of the same features we share. She greets everyone and sits down next to dad who smiles at her. I steal a glance at Linomtha and she doesn’t even hide her unhappiness. Nomthunzi is just focusing on her phone. I look at her long enough for her to feel my eyes on her. She raises her head causing our eyes to meet and she frowns. I just smirk and look at Moyomuhle. She says grace and we all start eating.

“This is so delicious gogo.” Moyomuhle says and the rest of the kids follow suit. Mom smiles, accepting the compliments. “Are you going to leave again?” mom shakes her head.
“Not ever angel. I am staying now and we are going to do so many fun things together. Where do you want us to go first? Spa? Park? Resort? Cinema?” mom asks. Moyomuhle smiles widely.

“We will talk after dinner.” She says in a low tone and we all laugh. We end dinner in a peaceful note and we let the helpers clean up as we settle on a gazebo in the backyard sipping on wine.
“I could definitely get used to this again.” Mom says taking sip on her wine.
“Didn’t you miss your husband? Don’t you crave some welcome home sex? I mean how long has it been since you let him in?” her eyes pop out and she giggles.

“Nomalanga, you are not supposed to ask your mother those questions.” She says shyly but continues. “But who said anything about being sexually deprived all those years? My husband loves my pussy too much to just not taste it just because I am locked up in a loony bin. Nigga ate me out and fucked me at least once a week on our regular visits.” I let out a scream and they all laugh. Look at mom talking out language. And I must commend dad on his sex game.

“But you are glowing, even now. Did he give you some before dinner?” Kungothando asks hiding behind the wine bottle and we laugh at her.
“He gave me a little something to remind me who owns my body. But anyways can we stop talking about my sex life? It’s starting to make me feel uncomfortable.” Mom says pouting.

“Mom that’s all ladies night is all about. Sex talk, gossip and drinking all night.” Uluthando comments and then turns to Zimfefe. “How is my brother in bed? I once walked in on you guys doing some strange position but I quickly ran out before you could notice me because it was super weird.” Zimfefe laughs while covering her face with her hands.
“What were you doing sneaking up on a married couple? What did you expect?” Zimfefe asks.

“Well it’s not like you were discrete about it. You did it in the 1st bathroom downstairs. He was standing with his hands balancing your thighs while you were upside down sucking his dick and him eating you out. You were both naked by the way and your legs were wide open, like you were doing a stretch,” Uluthando elaborates and Zimfefe just stands up and runs towards the garden leaving us laughing like crazy.
“But nawe dade, why did you have to explain it like that? Now I can’t stop picturing it in my head.” Kungothando says.

“Maybe it will give you some orgasms at night.” Uluthando says sticking her tongue out at Kungothando who stands up and they start chasing each other all over the backyard. Mom laughs but happiness is written all over her face.
“This is your doing ma. All of this laughter, it’s because of you. They are all happy to have you back home. Kungothando spent all her time at her sanctuary while Uluthando locked herself up in her room but your arrival changed all that. You are a true mother who makes a home warm and welcoming.” She smiles looking at me and wipes a lone tear which has fallen from her left eye.

“I am also happy to be surrounded by my family but I am happier about being reunited with you. This is the best gift if the decade and I am super grateful to the Biyela and Ngwabe ancestors for keeping you safe and alive all these years. I hope they will continue doing so until the day you reach 100.” I laugh.
“No ma, I don’t wanna reach 100 and look all old and wrinkly and be peeing on myself.” she laughs picturing the picture I have painted for her.
“Oww also mark me absent on the 100 years part.” I laugh at her and shake my head. My mom is a whole mood.

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