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After eating, we pass by my house and mom is impressed. She keeps nodding at everything. I lead her to the gallery room where I keep most if not all of the pictures I have taken, alone, with the Celes, with my friends, colleagues, and with practically everyone. There is a huge one which is in the center of all the pictures. It was taken on my last graduation. I have a proud smile plastered on my face on that picture. Gcino is the one who took it and it was so much better than the pictures taken by the professional photographer. He also has a camera which he carries in most family functions. His passion in photography is a hobby he developed in high school but he loves art more because he is in art school. He is doing illustrator essential training but it’s not his first course with Pixel Craft Training. He has done about 4 other courses. I guess art runs in the Cele family.

“When was this taken?” mom asks tracing my smile on my favourite picture.
“On my last graduation about 2 years ago.”
“You are a Masters graduate. How can I not be proud of you?” I giggle and look at the other graduation photos.
“I think you will be more proud once you learn that I am a doctorate candidate.”
“You are still studying?” she asks in a shocked voice.
“The aim is to become Doctor Nomalanga Biyela. I can even retire from practicing and become a lecturer.” She nods with a smile.

“You look so much like your mother in that picture.” Dad says leaning against the door frame pointing at my favourite picture. “I would like to have that picture at the palace. Well not only one, but this one belongs in the main room, amongst all of our pictures.”
“Your father is right. If you can contact your photographer so that he can make the same copy for us.” mom says and I nod. “We can leave now. Feel free to pack some of your stuff. You will find us in the lounge.” They head out and I walk to my room.

Talking about education reminds me just how much I have been careless with my school work. After the dust has settled, I will surely go to a secluded place and just focus on my PhD for at least 2 weeks. I pack some of my clothes, shoes, make-up and important documents in my medium sized luggage. I drag it to the lounge and Q quickly takes it from me. I go to my cellar and load 3 bottles of vodka and a 12 pack of Smirnoff Storm in my green bag. I feel like I am going to need alcohol more than anything during my stay at the palace. Azile quickly takes the bag and we all head to the cars. As soon as the cars drive out, I receive a message from Futhy.

‘Beware of everything you consume in the palace. Trust no one but your mother. Everyone is an enemy, even unconsciously. Be careful. I love you.’  My hands shake a bit and I shove my phone inside my handbag.
“Is everything alright darling?” mom asks and I give her a smile.
“Yes. Everything is perfect.”

Getting to the palace, we head inside and find everyone in the lounge. The children quickly come and embrace mom and after that, her kids follow suit. Amidst all the chaos, I catch Zimfefe’s expression. She doesn’t seem like someone who is happy to have her mother in law back but she is trying to hide it from everyone. Unfortunately being an advocate requires you to be vigilant and be able to read people even across the room. Nomthunzi doesn’t even hide her unhappiness, so does her best friend Linomtha.

“We shall have a family feast to welcome you back home mother and to informally welcome sis Nomalanga home.” Phiwokuhle says.
“I agree with you brother. I will personally be in charge of cooking.” Kungothando volunteers and everyone laughs. “Okay I will assist in the kitchen ke if you have so little hope in Me.” mom giggles and wraps her arms around Kungothando’s shoulders.

“Don’t worry my angel. You and I are the ones who will be doing the cooking for the feast. It’s been so long since I ate food prepared by my own hands. Plus I don’t trust the staff.” She says in almost a whisper but because I am near her, I hear her clearly. I chuckle.
“Let me go put away my bags. Maybe I will also help you with the cooking or even keep you company.” I say to mom who smiles and nods.
“I am definitely going to crowd you in your room so please make some space for Me.” she says and I laugh.
“Save some space for me too. I am joining in on the fun and bonding.” Uluthando says with a cute smile.

“I am also coming. We are turning this into a full blown pajama party.” Kungothando says. I look at Zimfefe who also looks like she wants to join us but shy to admit.
“You can also come, Zimfefe.” Her eyes pop out and she regards me with a small smile. My guards help me carry my bag to my room. They place them on my bed as per my request. Azile sits on the ottoman while Q sits on the vanity chair.
“So how long are you staying here boss?” Azile asks. I sit on the edge of the bed and sigh.
“I don’t know, Azile. Only time will tell but it might be a long time seeing that I am expected to ascend the throne.” They both frown.
“Ascend the throne? How?” Q asks. I explain to them the whole dramatic story of the Biyela royalty. By the time I am done, they are both shocked. “So that means we will be head guards of the queen?” I nod.

“And with that comes great responsibility. We still don’t know who attacked us at that parking lot and the person might still be out for blood. Everyone in this palace is an enemy, so you guys are going to be my eyes and ears all the damn time. Don’t trust anyone and keep an eye on Simmy. Not that I don’t trust her, but these are royal people and they have all the money in the world. They can even pay her millions just to execute me. Keep watch and if she starts acting differently or dishing out fake smiles, deal with her.” they both nod. “Do you have a good place to sleep though?” Azile laughs while Q chuckles.

“There is a Sandton mansion in the backyard which is referred to as the servants’ quarters. We also live like royalty, so don’t worry boss.” Q says and I smile.
“That’s good then. Please take shifts guarding my door. I think I am going to need more guards and it will be better if they come from your agency, people you trust so that they won’t betray me but we will extend after I have been ordained.” They both agree. “You can leave now.” They both stand up.

“Let me check something before I leave.” Azile says and walks to the bathroom but stops before entering the door. “Boss, come quick. You have to see this.” I rush to her and she stops me before I can enter the bathroom and she points at some black powder in the floor which is lined with the door frame. “I wanted to check if there is something suspicious in here or in the balcony and I stumbled upon this. I think it’s some kind of witchcraft.” My eyes pop out and my heart goes up my throat.
“I am not sure but I think that’s umbhulelo.” I say and they both frown. Gosh, I forgot they are Xhosa. “It’s witchcraft. Its aftermath includes migraine, paralysis, stroke and others.” I take my phone and video call MaShezi who answers after a few rings.

“I have been waiting for your call. What is wrong?” she asks. I turn the camera to the bathroom door and zoom in on the black powder. She whistles and shake her head. “That was supposed to kill you nkosazane. If you had stepped on it or went over it, you would’ve gotten the worst migraine ever, had a rapid nose bleed and died on the spot.” I swallow hard and quickly sit on the bed because I can feel my legs failing me. “Ask the royal healer to remove it and cleanse that room. After that you need to change the locks and only your guards should have the spare keys.”

“Noted mama. Thank you.” she smiles.
“Don’t worry MaBiyela. They will try but they will never succeed because you were born to be queen and nobody is going to take that away from you. Take care.” She hangs up. I am happy she didn’t say I should pray because that’s not my strongest point.

“I think we should have micro cameras installed in this room so that we can catch whoever did this the next time they try.” Q says. “But firstly we should get the camera dictator and check if there isn’t any spy camera that has been placed in this room.” I nod at him.
“We should also have at least 2 installed in the kitchen, just in case someone tries to poison you through food.” Azile says.

“I am glad to have you guys here with me. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I were alone. I would’ve probably died a few minutes ago.”
“Well your death means we are jobless, so we are going to make sure you stay alive for as long as you want.” Q says and I just laugh.

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