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I really didn’t think I would one day be a princess. Either by birth or by marriage. I really don’t know how to react to this new position forced upon me. I am trying so hard to seem normal but I am failing. I should be at home, regrouping and trying to get my life in order. But here I am, in this village, with my life turned upside down. There is less hope of it being peaceful now. My other family left a few hours ago. They said they will come back on Saturday because that’s the date my supposed father chose for the welcoming ceremony to happen. Only my guards and Simmy stayed behind. Well I wanted Simmy to be in charge of my meals seeing that there are people I don’t trust around here. In fact I don’t trust anyone because power can change people.

“A word.” I raise my head to see Maphikelela standing at the door of my room. I sit up with my back on the headboard and indicate that he may come in. he does come in but sits on the ottoman. “How do you feel about all of this? Aren’t you overwhelmed?” I look at him and exhale loudly.

“I didn’t expect my life to take such an unexpected turn. Yeah I have always wondered about my real family but the love I got from the Cele family made my worries less. I actually got comfortable and enjoyed life because I knew they had my back no matter what. I don’t know how to feel about this sudden revelation of my life but what I do know is that I want to see the woman who gave birth to me. Maybe things will fall into place once I see her and talk to her.” he sighs and nods.

“She has been sane for 4 years now but she refuses to come back home. She says that the nightmares of you crying will haunt her every night if she comes back. In there, she is no longer a patient but a friend and assistant to the doctors. Even that hell hole can’t change the woman she is. A brave, courageous and kind hearted queen.” he speaks so highly of her. There is even love in his voice.

“Is Nomthunzi the woman you cheated on her with while she was pregnant with me?” he frowns.
“Where did you hear that from?”

“I had a dream about it. She was pregnant and she confronted you about it. She was crying, a heartfelt cry and there was heavy rainfall, thunderstorm and lightning accompanying her cries. A day after that dream, I was attacked in a parking lot. Luckily I survived but my car was bombed.” His eyes pop out.

“Don’t you know who attacked you?”
“We didn’t have time to catch the attacker because we were waiting for this homecoming.” He nods carefully.
“You think the attack may have come from here?” I shrug.

“My friend, who is a seer, told me that they have been notified about me and they were coming for me. So I must brace myself. So I have a feeling that someone doesn’t want me to take the throne. So they will do anything to stop Me.” he looks down. “So did you cheat on your wife with Nomthunzi back then?”

“I didn’t cheat. I was still courting her. I was an idiot for going after a woman while your mother was heavily pregnant with our first child. I blamed myself for your death and she also blamed me. I didn’t hold that against her.” he looks at me. “Whenever you want, we can go see her.” I regard him for a few moments and then nod.

“I don’t care about how anyone feels about her being in the palace. When I go to that loony bin, I am bringing her back. If that makes anyone uncomfortable, they will have to deal. So take me to her tomorrow morning.” His eyes pop out. “That would be all for now. I would like to rest. I still feel tired from walking for 2 days. My body needs to recuperate.” He nods and stands up. He does that a lot. Nodding.

“I will see you tomorrow morning. We will leave after breakfast. Sleep tight princess.” He squeezes my hand and then heads out.

I go to the door and lock it. I am not a person that can be easily scared off but I don’t trust anyone and you may never know, someone might come and strangle me in my sleep. I change into my nightdress with my friends brought earlier on. They actually brought a small luggage with clothes that I can use for week. I then climb onto the bed and close my eyes.

‘She looked from side to side. She was uneasy. This was a very difficult task. Switching babies. He had done this before but this time it was different. A royal baby. She was worried that they might catch her and she knew that her actions would be punishable by death. Queen Mawenzokuhle didn’t play when it came to her family. She was a queen many loved but she didn’t spare people who had wronged her, her family or anyone in the village. If you were reported to her and there was enough evidence, she would have you burned to death while everyone watched.

She quickly wrote the report and placed the file near the small cot bed. She exchanged the tags and then placed the dead baby on the cot bed. She took the royal baby and quickly rushed out, making sure that no one saw her. On the way to her hut, she was walking so fast. The baby was fast asleep in her arms.

When she got to her hut, she placed the baby in her bed and changed her uniform. All her clothes were packed in bags. She knew that she had to leave the village before people could suspect her or worse, see the child. A knock startled her.
“Who is it?” she asked in a shaky voice. The door opened and three women stepped in. she held her breath but was relieved when she saw who it was.

“Where is it?” the older woman asked with a disgusted face. The state in which the hut was in disgusted her but also the baby angered her.
“This way.” She led the three woman to the bed. The older woman tried to reach out to the baby but loud thunder roared outside and it was followed by heavy rainfall.

“That is all confirmation we needed. Leave with this child Beauty and don’t ever set foot in this village. Whatever you do, never tell her about her real family. That would be you digging your own grave. Make sure she never learns about her past and her background.” The woman said and she turned to head out. The young woman walked to the bed and peered down at the baby.

“How I wish I could strangle you right this moment? I am sure it wouldn’t take even a minute for you to die.” She said with a small smile playing on her face. Lightning hit on the window and she jumped back. “Fuck your ancestors.” She looked at the baby one more time and she headed out. The other woman looked at Beauty until she shied away.
“Your Majesty.” Beauty bowed a bit.

“If my family finds out about this, not only will you be in trouble, but you will bring us all down with you. Leave after this storm and never look back. I will make sure you don’t suffer financially.” Beauty nodded. The royal woman looked at the baby and then also headed out.’

I jerk up and look around with my heart threatening to break out of its ribcage. I am drenched in my own sweat. I recognize the young woman from my dream. It is not hard to recognize her because she hasn’t changed a bit, just aged well and her voice hasn’t changed. Why did she do this? What was she hoping to achieve? I wish I could recognize the royal woman but I don’t. I have a feeling that she is dead.

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