𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗐𝗈 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"Who's Y/n, Nanamin?"

"How do you know her name?" Nanami quickly turned to the three students, giving them a look as they all froze. 'This girl is something serious!' Nobara and Itadori thought as they glanced over to Megumi.

"Is Gojo around?" Nobara whispered as Nanami shook his head. "He's doing something right now." Nanami looked at his phone, reading the date as he sighed. "Oh, so who is she?"

"I think Gojo should tell you—"

"He won't tell us! He doesn't even show us how he wins Monopoly!" Itadori said. "Fine. She was a student here with Gojo and Shoko." Nanami sighed while the three had a confused expression on their faces.


"Nanamiii!" the four heard Gojo's voice, all turning to him as he was holding shopping bags in both of his hands. "And i'll be leaving." Nanami stood up from his chair, walking away while Gojo tapped his shoulder.

"Gojo, who's Y/n?" Itadori asked, wanting to know about the unknown girl as Nobara and Megumi shook their heads. "Hm?" Nanami stood still while Gojo's eyes slightly widened as he turned to the three.

"How do you know her?"

"Uh well we uh heard her name around here and we want to know who she is.." Itadori lowered his voice. "She was a classmate of mine! She was really nice and really pretty too, even Nanami got nervous around her." Gojo said, laughing afterwards as Nanami rolled his eyes.

"I did not."

"Well can we meet her?" Nobara said, watching Gojo's smile falter a bit. "Uh well we can't really meet her..she's on..vacation! Yeah, vacation!" he said while Megumi gave him an odd look.

"To where?"

"Uhm, Brazil!"

"Why'd you hesitate?" Nobara asked him, looking at the suspicious teacher while he laughed. "She travels everywhere! It'd be hard to figure out what place she's in right now!"

"So you keep in contact with her?" Itadori said, his eyes lighting up while Gojo froze before he nodded. Nanami sighed. "Then can we speak to her?!"

"She's very busy—"

"Gojo just tell them. It's very difficult to lie..especially if they're persistent about wanting to know who she is." Nanami said in a low tone while Gojo only looked at the three students. "Do it or I will."

"She was my girlfriend!"

"She's dead—"

Megumi, Itadori and Nobara all looked at the two, wondering who to believe. "You actually had a girlfriend? I don't remember that.." Megumi mumbled under his breath. "Wait what?!" Itadori and Nobara both said, their eyes wide. "So you were listening to your dead girlfriend at night?!"

"What?! How do you know that?!"

"You still listen to it?"


"You're embarrassing me Nanami!" Gojo said, before looking at his students as he sighed. "She died when I was in my third year. Sad times. Very sad times but we move on! Now, who's ready for to go out and eat?" Gojo clapped his hands together as he put a smile on his face while everyone else just looked at him.

"What? I'm hungry."

"You're dismissing the subject! Are you saying you never loved your girlfriend?!" Nobara said, pointing at him while Itadori nodded, mimicking her. "Yeah!" Itadori said. "Who said that?! I'm just hungry! Now let's go eat!" Gojo stood up, walking away from the four as the three students looked over to Nanami but he had already left.

"Gojo really had a girlfriend? That's surprising.." Nobara mumbled while Megumi shrugged his shoulders. "I do remember seeing a girl in a photo a few halls down." Itadori said while Megumi's head popped up.

"I know what you're talking about." Megumi said, gesturing the two to follow him as they walked down the hall. "It's hidden but I saw it." Megumi guided them through the school, turning corners left and right until he stopped.

"There." he said as they walked forward to the picture on the wall. "She looks so pretty!" Nobara gasped, her eyes widening at the picture of the h/c haired girl. "She is!" Itadori joined in as well, his smile slowly fading away.

"She died when Gojo was in his third year..so when he was 17 or 18..? That was..how long ago?" Itadori said, starting to count on his fingers as Nobara did the same while Megumi watched the two idiots, already knowing the answer.

"It was like ten or eleven years ago."

"That long?!"

"I wonder how she died.." Itadori said, sulking while Nobara nodded. "We should probably ask him but it seems like he doesn't want to talk about it." she added, now tapping her feet as she looked around the hall, noticing more pictures of Y/n.

"There's more?"

"Yep. Here's one where she's in a dress— oh it's so pretty on her!"

While the three were looking at the pictures, Gojo actually went out to eat. He was actually hungry but he also wanted to change the subject— I mean how can you just embarrass him like that Nanami! You can't tell other people especially your students that Gojo listens to video of his dead girlfriend every night!

Gojo still had a place for her in his heart, somewhere in the middle, centered enough so that love could spread evenly.

He was walking around, searching for somewhere to eat until his eye caught something out of the blue. No one could tell from behind his sunglasses but his eyes widened at the sight. He caught a glimpse of her h/c hair, watching her walk down the other sidewalk until he rubbed his eyes and she was no longer there.

He knew it was his mind messing with him because he was there when she died so she had no reason to be alive unless she was but he was positive she was dead. Even if she was alive, he didn't want to think of the possibilities of how and why.

"I'm hallucinating again.."


𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐓𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐒 || 𝘀. 𝗴𝗼𝗷𝗼 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now