𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖾𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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'What do I wear?!'

Y/n and Gojo were both in their homes, ruining their closet as it was almost time for their date. The two were meeting up to the closest cafe before heading to the place together. Once she was ready, she rushed out the house, too scared to be late as he did the same, both leaving their homes at the same time unknowingly.

'What if i'm underdressed?!'

'What if she doesn't like how I look?!'

'What if he's going to be upset that i'm late?!'

The questions ran through both of their minds as they were driving down the street, the same one in fact just that both of them were in different lanes.

'I wonder if he knows what the place is when we get there..' she thought, pressing on the brakes as she was met with a red light. She leaned back into her car seat, closing her eyes just for a bit before opening them back up.

"Why am I so nervous..?" she whispered to herself as the red light turned green, moving her foot towards the gas pedal and pressing it lightly before going pass the stop lights.

"Is it me or is it me?" she asked herself, wondering which part of her was feeling that way. Her present self or her past. The way she felt with him was a bit refreshing, like the wind on a hot day. "Maybe it's me..is it?"

She turned the steering wheel to the right, turning the corner and finding herself parked right in front as another car pulled up beside her. She took a glance to see who it was as her eyes slightly widened, seeing Gojo let out a sigh.

She chuckled, finding it funny that he was probably in the same situation as her. She had gotten out of the car, getting his attention as he realized it was her who was right in front of him.

"Were you rushing?" she asked him as he got out of his car. "Yeah." he nodded his head, laughing as well as he looked over to her. "So do we have to drive there or is it walking distance?"

"Walking distance. It's not that much of a walk."


Gojo was confused, his eyes roaming the familiar area as she lead him through the path. He didn't know how she had found out about this place or even what was going through her mind when she was nearby.

"That look in your face, you know where we are, right?" she said, continuing to walk through the trees as he stayed silent. "Yeah.." he mumbled. "Is it special? Or is it just familiar?"

"It was the place..you uhm died. It wasn't exactly here but it was close." he said, making her stop walking, her head turning back just a bit so she could look at him. "Oh." she said, turning back around and starting to find her head hurting.

"So were you there when it happened?"

"Sort of..You were here to do something and turns out they were out for you so someone went ahead and decided to kill you.." Gojo mumbled, finding the area they were walking in familiar. "Is the person who tried to kill me looks like Fushiguro? I could've sworn he looked familiar."

"What?" Gojo stopped for a bit. "Yeah, don't you guys know who "killed" me?" she questioned, looking him right in the eye as he nodded his head. "There were only rumors of who it was but I never really believed them, I thought it might've been someone else."

"Oh okay." she said as she continued to walk, his eyes knew the area well, the same trees, the vines, everything was the same. "We're here." she sighed, sitting herself on the bench as he sat next to her.

"I found it a while ago, i'll say before I came a teacher. One of my colleagues said that it had a waterfall if you walked further down but this place right here, always caught my eye for some reason." she mumbled.

"I always sat here and I would only look straight, looking at that rock right there." she said, raising arm up as her finger pointed over to the rock just a few feet away from them. He stood up, walking himself to where she was pointing at.

"This one?"

"Yeah." she said, watching him crouch down as she follower his movements, being next to him, she placed her foot wrong which caused her to fall over just a bit as she placed her hands on the rock, preventing herself from falling even further. Her eyes widened as she pushed herself up, he started to wonder why she had that expression on her face until she had spoke.



𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐓𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐒 || 𝘀. 𝗴𝗼𝗷𝗼 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now