𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗈𝗎𝗋𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"Does your breath stink?!"

"What— No!"

"You need to change the shoes! Go change the shoes Satoru Gojo!" Nobara raised her voice at her teacher as she watched him sulk and walk back to his room to go change his shoes.

"Why'd you say his full name.." Megumi and Itadori both said, looking at their friend who was checking off the list before she glance at the two. "Have you seen L/n?! Do you know how beautiful she is?! If she were seen with that..monstrosity..then it would just be embarrassing for us!"

"Monstrosity?!" Gojo, Itadori and Megumi all said in shock as Nobara nodded her head before looking at Gojo. "They look better..now go fix your shirt! It doesn't match!"

'I hope she's not like this when I have a girlfriend..' Itadori shook in fear as Megumi sighed. "Itadori! You're next!" Nobara said, pointing right at him as he jumped.

"What did I do?!"

"Nothing! Now Gojo, are you ready?!"


Y/n was waiting at the front of the door, holding her purse in hand as she was only wearing a skirt that reached to her knees, hugging her thighs while a white, long sleeve button down shirt was tucked in.

It seemed as if she just came from work, but she didn't, most of her clothes consisted of work attire and she didn't have much time to buy anything more.

"Sorry for..arriving late!" she turned to Gojo, who seemed like he was out of breath as she saw three figures behind him. Nobara, Yuji and Megumi. The three were "dropping" him off, totally not spying on him. Yup, definitely not!

"It's fine! I only waited a few minutes!" she said with a smile. 'Almost twenty! Is he always this late on dates?!' she thought, glancing at him as he was catching his breath. "Did you run here?" she let out a laugh.

"Yeah actually! We had no gas—"

"You mean you had no gas in your car!? How do you give money to Mei Mei but can't pay for you own gas?!" Nobara said, glaring at her teacher as Y/n glanced at Gojo. "Mei Mei?" she repeated as Gojo turned to stone, the way she said it made him shiver.

He knew she didn't have her memories back but for a second it seemed like she did. "Mei Mei's only a co-worker!" Gojo said, saying it as if he was almost caught. He looked back at Y/n, watching her nod her head.

'Why does she seem jealous?! And..was she always jealous in our relationship?!' he thought before she gestured him to head towards her car. The two waved goodbye to the three students as Gojo opened the passenger door for her but she thanked him before sitting down.

"So, sundaes?"


"This one taste better!"

"But I like mine better!"

Both Gojo and Y/n were sitting across each other, seated next to the glass window that had a bit of frost in the corner due to the cold weather. The orange-yellow hue of the sunset beamed through the shop as they covered their eyes.

"A strawberry sundae is always better." Gojo said, dipping his spoon into his dessert as she copied his movements. "No, chocolate is better." Y/n said, shrugging her shoulders before taking a bite of her chocolate sundae.

"Then how about we switch to see which is better?" he suggested, his hands placed on the bowl, and pushing it towards her while she hesitated to do the same. Eventually she moved her bowl on his side.

The two, at the same time, took a bite of each other's dessert, taking their time chewing before realizing that their sundaes were actually good.

"You win.."

"You win.."

"Mine is still better though."


𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐓𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐒 || 𝘀. 𝗴𝗼𝗷𝗼 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now