Chapter 3: The Supernatural School

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After our business boosted, we decided to enrol ourselves in the supernatural school. This was another reason why we chose this city. The supernatural school was opened in the year of 1950. Initially, the opening of this school was our idea and we shared it with the mayor of the city in the year of 1784. We said, "Mayor, we should open a supernatural school because if there are these types of creatures, they will come to this school and we can prove it. It will be in our favour." But our idea was rejected at that time. One person said that this was just waste of money and we will be just called freaks after doing this. But now, there is a supernatural school, which is supported by the mayor.  And one more fun fact; the mayor is a vampire now. That's the main reason why she accepted this in the first place. So, we got to the school in our cars. We had our license. Father bought us all our favorite cars once we had our license. My favorite was a black Lamborghini. We drove to school and entered the hall. As we entered the hall all the eyes turned to us. Every girl and boy were looking at us. They were shocked like we were some real-life god. Well, this is an effect that the royal vampire family has on people. We are the royal family because we are the first vampire the world has ever seen. 

Anyway, as we were standing in the hallway, I was scanning the hallway to sense if anyone was a bully. But then suddenly a boy, who was standing at the last of the hallway caught my eye. He had emerald green eyes, brown complexion, black hair. He was staring right into my eyes and I saw some pain and sadness in his eyes. But I didn't know the reason. And I didn't care because he was no one to me. I didn't even know his name. He started walking towards me. I looked away. I didn't want to repeat history again. So, we all went to the principal's office, enrolled names and got our time table. We then just went to our classes and decided to meet in the recess in the café. My first period was of maths. Mathematics was not something I liked. But I was good at it. 

When I entered the class and sat on my seat, few boys tried to talk to me. But I was kind of an introvert child and never liked to make friends. I just turned them down. Then a co-incidence happened! That boy was in the same class as I. And his whole group followed him. They came near me and one boy said, "Well, a fresher." Another said, "No, a hot fresher." I could smell that they all were wolves. I had learned to hide my scent very well. But they didn't. That one boy who caught my eye was hiding his scent. That boy said, "Who are you?" I was like seriously?! He didn't know who am I. Well, it was kind of a relief that he didn't know who I was. So, I just said, "You'll know soon." He sat down in the chair in front of me.  The teacher entered the class a few minutes later and said, "Isabella? Please come in the front." I went to the front and the Ms. Williams said, "Everyone this is Isabella Smith. I hope that you all will become friends and treat her well." She was a witch. I could sense her power. She was indeed powerful. I went back to my seat and still some people didn't know who I was. 

I attended the class and went out to the ground. My next period was free and I wanted to just play my guitar. I forgot to tell you that one of my favorite time-pass was playing guitar. I started playing a song that I had written. It was my favorite song and I loved to play it. As I was playing it, the students passing by stood there and watched me play. Some of them even made a video. Then that boy came and said, "Wow, you play very well. Even I can't play guitar this good." I turned around and said, "Well, my mother taught me how to play a guitar and she is also very good at it. Actually, she is definitely better than me. She just doesn't admit it." He sat down beside me and said, "Well, I still don't know who you are. So, will you tell me now." Then suddenly Noah came out and said, "She is our sister, Isabella Lilac Smith. A part of the royal vampire family." Then Byron and Kylo came out too. And it was just like old times. Whenever I talked to a guy they would come out and play the overprotective brother crap. I asked them, "Qué están haciendo ustedes tres aquí?" ("What are you three doing here?")

"Estábamos de paso y luego te vimos hablando con este chico, así que vinimos. Haciendo el trabajo que nos asignó nuestro padre." ("We were just passing through and we saw you talking to this guy so, we came over. Doing the job our father assigned us to.")

"Seriamente?! Padre te asignó tres idiotas para esto. Bueno, no Byron. Pero, ¿cómo puedes estar de acuerdo con esto?("Seriously?! Father assigned you three dumbasses for this. Well, not Byron. But how could you agree to this?")

"Porque nos preocupamos por ti y no queremos que la historia se repita." ("Because we care for you and we don't want history to repeat itself.)

"Bien, gracias chicos, pero no estoy interesado en ella. Entonces, no necesitas preocuparte." ("Okay, thank you guys but I am not interested in her. So, you don't need to worry.")

"Todavía. También conoces a Bella que no solo hablas con cualquiera." ("Yet. You also know Bella that you don't just talk to anyone.")

As we were talking, that boy's face was worth seeing. He didn't understand a single word that we said. He said, "Umm.... I am just gonna go." I shouted, "No! You're going to stay and these three are going." I mind-linked them and said, "If you don't go now, it will not be good for you." After this they ran away. It was hilarious to see them running. I said, "I am sorry about that they just do this for father. Well, now it's your turn to tell me your name." He said, "My name is...."

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