Chapter 9: Avoiding the war

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When we reached the school, someone approached me. It was the mean girl of the school. She approached me and said, "Well, well, well, who do we have here? The talk of the town. The girl who took a bullet for a guy. And who is this guy that you took a bullet for?" I replied, "Diego" with a calmness in my voice. I really wanted to shout at her but instead I remained calm. She replied while shouting, "HEY WITCH! STAY AWAY FROM WHAT'S MINE OR....!" I stepped closer to her and stared right in her eyes. I was of her height, so our eyes were straight. I replied like a whisper, "or what? Answer me or WHAT!" She replied, "Or you'll regret it. Do you even know who I am?" I replied sarcastically while taking a step back, "Yes, I know who you are. You are Nova Garcia. The daughter of the alpha of blue moon pack. Now, you'll just say your father's name thinking that I'll back away and run like a scaredy cat. Oh Nova, you don't have any idea who I am. You don't want to get on my bad side, dear. It will not end well for you and your pack." I had to tell the school about the hybrid pack because of the incident. It was in our best interest. We didn't tell them the pack we were from because it would mean royalty for us. I forgot to tell you; our pack is the royal wolf's pack. It is pure blood. Our pack is one of the packs that was from the starting of the werewolves. But I had a sudden urge to shove it up nova's face. But I would not be the first to start this father war. I knew what Nova's next line was gonna be. I had a reply ready. She then said just like I thought. "So, then you should keep that in your mind, witch. You know how much power my father holds. So, better be careful." She winked and as she was walking away, I held her hand and pulled her close. I whispered, "You don't know who my dad is, do you? Ever heard of the crescent moon pack? That is my father's pack, so you should be careful. It gets scary at night." I released her hand, but she didn't go away. Instead, she just stood there and said, "it's not possible. That pack was demolished a long time ago."

"Do you know the reason?"


"We avoided a war. That war could have destroyed the whole world. And do you know who started the war? Your ancestors. You were and are our biggest enemy." When she heard this a smirk appeared on her face. Like she was proud of this. She didn't say any other word and went away. God! She was like the worst person I had ever met. But I still didn't understand one thing, what did she mean by what's mine? I asked Diego, "Do you know what she was talking about, wolfie?" But before he could answer his friends came and said, "Well, would you introduce us to the hot fresher, or should we do the honours?" As they said this Diego's face changed from neutral to angry! Like he was angry that they called me hot fresher. That was hot and cute at the same time. He said, "Everyone, this is Isabella, my girlfriend." Everybody's jaw dropped to the ground. One boy said, "Woah! Mate! How the hell did you manage to even talk to her?!" Everyone agreed to that. He said, "Well, I guess I got lucky enough to get such a beautiful girlfriend." He held my hand while saying this. Diego then continued, "Butterfly this is my friend group. We have been together since we joined this school. We have Asher, Tony, Vaughn, Winston, Emily, Leah, Jade and Harry." I replied, "Hi, it's nice to meet you." It was nice to meet them because I never had any friends, so this was new experience for me. We bunked classes that day and enjoyed a lot. We walked, talked, laughed, ate, and did a lot of fun things. At the end we found a spot near the beach. It was untouched! It appeared that Leah and Harry, Jade and Winston, Emily and Tony were dating! Now only Vaughn and Asher were single in the group. I invited them to stay at my house because we were friends. When we reached my house, there jaws dropped; eyes wide open and their reaction was like WOAH! I invited them in and the first thing they heard was my mother screaming,

"ISABELLA LILAC SMITH! Bugün okulu ranzaya aldığını neden duyuyorum?! Nereye gittiğini bile söylemedin mi?!"("ISABELLA LILAC SMITH! Why am i hearing this that you bunked school today?! And you didn't even tell me where you were going?!")

"Üzgünüm, anne. Bugün yeni arkadaşlarımla takılıyordum.Ve bir günlüğüne ranzada derslerinin zarar vermeyeceğini düşündüm."("Sorry mother. I was just hanging out with my new friends today. And I thought that bunking the classes for one day wouldn't hurt.")

While we were having this conversation everybody was looking at each other's face thinking what we were saying. It was hillarious to see their confused faces. But Diego wasn't confused as he already knew that I could speak many languages. Then I introduced everyone to my mother and told her that they would be hanging out with me often. Then we went to my room. I had to change in something comfortable because the school dress was uncomfortable as hell. I told Diego that if anyone wanted to change just ask me. I came out and as usual everybody's eyes were fixated as me. I was wearing an oversized hoodie, a pair of shorts and I made a bun because my hair were not in a good state at that time. Diego, on the other hand, approached me and said, "You do understand that there are unmated wolves in this room?" I nodded. Then he continued, "Then, when you know that why are you wearing the hot pants?" I replied, "Because.... I like to wear it?" He kept his hand on his forehead but didn't say a word. I went and sat on my bed in a blanket with Diego and we all started talking. But then my mother came to my room and said, "Bella, someone's at the door claiming to be your friends. I let them in and here they are." As she moved aside. Anger filled up my veins. My mother also knew about the war which we prevented from happening. It was Nova Garcia! She had the audacity to come to my house claiming to be my freaking friend. I shouted, "NOVA! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE!" I saw a little bit of anger on her face but then she smiled and said, "Oh come on, Bella. Don't be mad at me because of what I said earlier. I never meant it and anyways, I go wherever my future mate goes." Everybody's jaw dropped. I replied, "Who would want to be your mate?" She then replied with an attitude on her face, "Diego."

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