Chapter Six: Wasted

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  • Dedicated to Ynnah France Tan

I'm in another world, a world where fun and freedom crawls beyond horizon. My body begins to respond to the alcohol, I'm feeling tipsy and wild. I sound dead. Am I boring you? I have the feeling to throw up but I resist. I go to the table for more beers. Is this what you call fun? Is this the kind of life the socialite choose? Am I good at this? Shut up...Wait, is this even legal? Shut up! I don't want to talk anymore. *laughs* shut up *laughs loudly*

(I have to write the story no matter how chagrin it is)

My head is spinning plus the music is vibrating. My heart is beating so fast and I'm dancing. This-is-so-freaking-fun! I don't want this to end. Let me tell you something, alcohol increases your blood pressure and aggrevates your mood. If you are happy, it makes you happier. If you are sad, it will make you sadder. I see Chuck falls down the velvety carpet, maybe his cerebellum responded too quickly. Well of course, the cerebellum manipulates both motor control and balance. So, such people are "tipsy" like Chuck here, are unstable on their feet. If we're seriously drunk though, our urinary system will be involuntary because alcohol affects both the pituitary and hypothalamus.Our kidneys will reduce the level of our ADH that triggers it. Oh yeah, one more thing, *laughs* alcohol also controls sexual instincts and behavior. It affects the sex drive, people.

I don't know how I formulated that idea. I'm exhaust, I should sit or lean on to something. Oh good, there's a wall. I see all the seats been taken so I should do the alternative. I lean and clamp my knees. I breathe in and wipe my sweat. god, what was I thinking? Where's my team? I need to find them but where are they? Okay, what happened to the fun me? This is the time of my life and I should grab this opportunity (You go Girl!). Suck reality, I'm making a history here. FLASH. Jasmine, she's taking pictures again. Another article maybe: B.S. biology students, drunk not acceptable! That will spread like wild fire, believe me. FLASH. What the fu-

"What the hell Jas!" I shout

"I can't believe, Allison drunk and inside a socialite's party? This is good stuff. Smile..." and there's her big fat FLASH again. I'm going to flush you down. I put my middle finger up.

"Hey, what gives?" I take her camera and look at my picture. Damn, I look so hot in here. Maybe another one will not hurt a fly. "Again" I give it back. Flash here, flash there, flash everywhere. I smile and laugh simultaneously.

"Your looks are to die for." she makes a sarcastic face and I hear her whispers "slut"

"Where's Victoria...slut?" I say. It sounds like I called her a slut but it is a question.

"You don't want to know" She fixes her camera and walks away. Then turns back quickly "Did you just called me a slut?" She gives me a stern look and just shrugs her shoulders. She understands that I'm drunk like there's-no-point-in-arguing-with-me.

"Where is she? Where is she?" and I start to dance again

"In her room, sleeping" she says without looking back.

Victoria is non-fun but she's at a safe zone. She is such a little girl! Wake up Victoria, you're in college now. What did Vincent found about her that I don't have? Looks? Puh-lease. Personality? maybe. Why am I obsess with him anyway? He's not even...even...that good! And he just called me "the Trouble Maker" which is unacceptable. If he choose Victoria over me then he is not smart at all. I hate him now. Someone approaches me and it's Florence. She is one of my dearest friends too but sometimes she prefers to be alone and I don't mind. She's supportive, simple and doesn't care about make-up, period. I wonder why is she doing here?

"I can't believe you, I thought you're going to throw that drink to her fugly face, Alli!"

"Huh? Are you talking to me?" I laugh "Can't hear you" I dance

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