Chapter Ten: A Secret group

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Allen and Sharmaine left us here at the library (Finally!) so I should do whatever I want before it lasts. The class is scattered. Some went upstairs, looking for a book to read; some lounges at the comfy sofa, eyes already linger on the paperback. Mr. T went into the science section with the sycophant, Vincent to...I don't know, maybe to apprehend more about science. After all, this is the library of the Bray Institute and everything here are prospered with ingenuity.

"Isn't this amazing?" asks Victoria

"See what you'll miss if you didn't come?" Jasmine adds and takes a picture of the whole library. "Hey Vicky, let's go there" and Victoria just giggles all the way in.

I sit on the sofa with Chuck, Cedric, Carina (funny how that sounds, all start with C's) and Rey.

"Self-conceited brats. Who do they think they are? I really dislike that Allen girl, she's something!" Chuck says indignantly

"Be careful dude. She's a senator's daughter and if I were you, respect them, they're just doing their job." Cedric adds

"How can I respect her if she doesn't even respect me?" Chuck asks

"Seriously, dude? She's just a girl." Cedric replies

"I don't know about you guys but I'm tired of waiting." Rey stretches his arms "I'm bored" he stands up "Do you know where the books on suicide are located?" Suddenly, Carina bursts into laughter which startles us all. "What's wrong with you?" he adds

"I know that joke, Rey-Rey" she laughs uncontrollably. Wait, It wasn't even a joke.

"Joke?" Rey adds

"When you ask 'Do you know where the books on suicide are located?' The answer to your question...ammfh" she covers her mouth to prevent from laughing but it is no use. She makes a cute laugh, a high pitch laugh which tempts me to join in the laughter too. "That once it's borrowed, it will never be returned. Bwahahaha! Get it? Because you're dead...X's stitched to your eyes and...and pooooyie!" She inhales deeply and...*poop* she farts (she inhales too much oxygen which accumulated to too much carbon dioxide)

"Pooooyie? You mean, pee-u! Haha" Rey teases

We stare at each other and within seconds we laugh so hard that Carina joins with us which just made the situation even worse because I can barely stop laughing! I wipe a tear from my eye and clench my hands around my diaphragm, it hurts so good. (LOL)

"Carina...haha, stop laughing!" Chuck pleads "please"

"Okay...okay, try to remember this." Rey clears his throat "AYIYIYI!" And Carina laugh again and so do we. I remember when Mr. T's skin turned into yellow because of an accidental experiment and screamed 'AYIYIYI'. One of Mr. T's expression when he's out of control aside from the Gosh Gollly O'Neilie. Sooner or later, there will be a published book of Tantiado's "WHAT TO SAY WHEN YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY" volume one in all leading bookstores. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

Minutes after, some of the class joins us and Rey keeps on joking and Candy approaches us.

"I can't believe it, are you guys that stupid? We're in the library, so observe silence." She says

"Ay...Yayay..." Chuck complains.

"You know Candy, this is the only time I see you in a library" Rey adds

"Ah!?" Candy sashays away

I go upstairs to find Nikka and the others. I search bookshelves after bookshelves, column after column and I can't find them. I walk to another column, (OMG!) I see Adrian and Tash, closer together and talking. The way I see it, they have a very serious talk. I don't know if I should tell somebody about them but ethics tells me to keep the issue to myself. I leave them and step to another corner and...oh, for the love of...can this get any worse? I find Carey and what's that on his hand? A hanky? He starts smelling it delightfully, he turns to me, feeling aghast. I walk away before my awkwardness meter strikes to danger. Where are my friends? I really need them before my ego stumbles. I go downstairs and walk right through the science section and thank goodness, they are all here with Mr. T. I suppose, they're now interested in him. I go directly to Nikka

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