Chapter Eight: Busted

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  • Dedicated to Rachel Tagle Alerta



I'm having a tragic moment here *inhales deeply*, it's 2:00 in the morning and my roommates are panicking! I'm on my Nebulizer because my asthma is starting to get on my last nerve. I might as well save my life from my mother. Believe me, mom is worse than asthma *inhales deeply. Acid reflux, a condition in which gastric acid is regurgitated. It reached into my lungs that's why I'm breathing uncomforta... *coughs* Just let me finish my nebulizer. *inhales* Tash, you'll pay for this!

Before anything else, I want you to get familiarize again with my classmates because some of you forgot who they are and some of you may haven't (God bless you) since they're too many, I know.

Nikka- organized, meticulous, paranoid

Edna-caring, courageous, faithful

Shyra- tough, aggressive, cantankerous

Elsie- clueless, hopeless romantic, flamboyant

Kim- dead serious, loner, punk

MC- cheerful, sweet, friendly (Sugar, spice and everything nice)

Florence- helper. (She's like a wind. She's there when you need help)

Elyette- she's a boy magnet but loves mechanics.

Vincent- idiot, jerk, jackass [real trait: smart, enigmatic, cunning]

Carey: suave, girl magnet, skater dude

Rey- class clown

Adrian- rebellious, hot-tempered, guitar dude

James- sleeper

Bob- stalker (also known as "hedge hog"), genius, observant

Chuck- mister-know-it-all

Cedric- lover boy, flirty (really...really...really loves elyette)

Joe- mocker, fashionista, vain


Tash (leader) Candy (side kick) Junien (newbie and the least mean one)

Jasmine- class' paparazzi

Victoria- quirky, funny, athletic

Andrea- really...really...loves food and gossips

Carina- she laughs unreasonably

Did I got them all? let's go back to the story then:

While I am on my Nebulizer, Nikka and MC return. They are so happy until they see my sick face.

"What the-" Nikka is surprise

"Don't ask" Edna adds.

Elyette, Shyra and Kim are still at the party and the ones who are mending me and really cares about my affliction, are none other than Edna and Elsie. We are like the molecules of solid because we're intact, close and no spaces in between. When I passed out, maybe ten minutes after, they saved my life. I was pale and sweaty. The tubes of my respiratory were clogged up and if it weren't for them, I may be in fatality or worse, dead.

Nikka whispers to Edna and points to a corner. They want to have a private talk.

"What happened?" she asks

"Oh, we tried to warn the socialites to lower-" Edna burps.

"Were you drinking?" Nikka adds. "You take me by surprise there, ed"

"The party was fun" Elsie talks to MC. Still drunk and keeps dancing from the music next door, I can't believe this. My vision becomes hazy again and my head is very hefty. I want to lay my head to a cushion as in right now. Is it because of the heat since they're practically around me. I mean them, the people because the more crowded it is, the more heat is yielded. This has to stop. My stomach starts to respond too. I'm perspiring. I shake my head a little to shake the uneasiness. My vision becomes completely opaque. The colors are repelling from their pattern like what you can see in a kaleidoscope. I don't have color blindness, that's impossible because females can only act as carriers. Men have an x linked sex chromosome which permits them to have color blindness unlike women who has an XY hor-SORRY! I perceive people only by their shadows and this sickens me. Is it because I ate Tash's cupcake of death which contains hallucinogens that nearly cost my life? Maybe I'm high. This is just an illusion, it will just wear out, I hope so. As I focus my eyes to what I'm looking, I see someone or maybe something and take this, it isn't a shadow. It shifts from one place to another. I catch it and it scares the hell out of me. I'm looking at myself! Or is it? This impostor looks just like me but only uglier. She smiles wickedly. The edge of her lips reach into the corner of her eyes like the cat from Alice in the wonderland, what's-his-name? CHESHIRE. Okay, you stole my look but you didn't have the best of me yet, I smile perfectly than that. I turn my head to the other side and there it is again. What does it want? I shut my eyes tightly and breathe deeply to my mask. Asthma, get me out of this nightmare! I heard a muffled high pitched laugh. This doesn't sound like me at all. I'm scared; I don't have a fearless gene transcribed to my DNA so yeah, it's natural to be scared.Get me out of here, get me out! As I opened my eyes steadily, the kaleidoscope background is gone. It brings me to a total blackness until I hear that laugh again. I shut my eyes. This time, I'm mad. If this witch is messing up with me, then I'll play along very, very hard. I open my eyes and I see normally again. I know who she is that's why she scram. My doppelganger. I didn't expect it to return but it did and there's nothing I can do about it. My name's Allison and I have a doppelganger....*laughs* Ha! As if! It's just my subconscious that is teasing me, people. LOL. Look, I took the drug right? So don't believe everything I say at this moment, there is an apparent reason for all of this. I don't believe that some sick ghost is haunting me just for fun. Laugh all you want, I find it all absurd too. I'm awake now, all I need is to go back to sleep at my bed with my spiderman pillow I brought from home. That way I can sleep like a baby and not some dying foul fish that came out from the water for a long time. I'm just hoping that I can wake up again...alive.

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