Chapter Five: Double Trouble

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  • Dedicated to Credenda Demabildo-Porquido

I bang at the wall because we can't stand with all the racking! We can't talk, we can't heed and what's the point of sleeping if these idiots keep on going? There's only one thing to do and that is, meeting them personally.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'll go straight to that room and tell them..." I say

"Tell them what?" Kim adds while sipping her root beer.

"Tell them to lower it down or I'm telling Mr. T"

Oh my god, I sound like a complete idiot myself. I look at their worried faces. I blow the air from my nose like steam is coming out and I walk to the door. I put my hand to the door knob and close my other fist and lastly give them a nod.

"Who wants to come with me?" I declare.

"I thought you'd never ask" Shyra volunteers

"Count me in, sweetheart" Elsie says

"Are you sure about that Els?" I ask. Honestly, she's not much of a help.

"Shut up, you need the help you can get. She's in, including me." Edna adds.

"Fine! If you'll go, I'll go then. You don't know what those girls are capable of" Elyette says. That is a total relief.

"The socialite is in there!" MC points at the wall. "Just scream and I'll come right at you." She smiles. "It's been nice knowing you guys. I salute you!"

"MC, can you manage all by yourself?" Edna is concern

"All-All by myself?" MC gulps "Sure, piece of cake, I can manage" she lies

"Anyone else?" I look from left to right and I see Kim raises her hand "Thank goodness Kim, I needed you." She stands and all five of us are ready to go "Okay, we're-going-in"

Tashara and I are already foes so what's the worst that can happen? Let me spoon feed you with one of WVSU's controversial records. I don't know if it's legal to post it here but I'm warning you, this is going to get ugly. "The Socialite" is an infamous sorority of deserving and sophisticated young ladies. According to their brochure. Yes everyone, they have brochures. Every girl wants to be like them because they say they are popular, pretty, preppy and perfect and they also do the prying thing. But if you consider reading on my account, there is only one p and that is: PINHEADS. (Let me get my glasses first and imagine me reading this with a British accent) According to my observation, the socialites not only have a pinch of perfection in their life but they also bear the stench of their parent's stupidness. It's completely mental! I mean, they may contradict a philosopher's notion which is "every perfection lies an imperfection". How bloody hell would that be if they still stick up with that ridiculous characterization? Their brochure is nothing but a fiction. Maybe their stupidness will come in handy someday but I really do doubt it. (*coughs* Back to my original accent) They say it's forbidden to crash a socialite's party. Let's take Bea's case for example, she is a former-classmate and a very good friend of mine. The socialite bullied and mortified her until she left the university all because of an Itsy-bitsy tinie-winie problem. She just accidentally broke their music producer...big deal? It's not yet the end of the world bitches. Oh! They are...likely to strangle. (I let out my rage).

"Ready?" I am now facing their door and of course, there is a "don't disturb" sign. Classic

"Ready when you are." Edna adds

"Seriously, if you still believe in that sorority bullshit, I can do it myself, in my way of course" Shyra interferes

"I can do it! Just trust me on this" I grunt. I'm so ready to bang the door. Ammm....before anything else, my father's best friend's son who is an architecture designed the foundation and blueprint of our house. It wasn't that much but it's enough to fill the whole family. He's favorite one was the gem encrusted door and it was a masterpiece and I remember that he used to give me papers so I can help him draw some sketches. Yes everyone, just six years old and already an architect's assistant. That's why, every time I see a door-

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