Set up

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The funeral was over the weekend. Two days ago to be exact. It felt like a bizarre dream. He had a close casket. It's not like his family had much of a choice. All eyes were on you, everyone constantly asking you how you were or giving you judgmental glares. You were the girlfriend of the victim. You should be so distraught that you can't even think straight. Sobbing, unable to eat, unable to go on or whatever. And yet, you weren't.

The school has been buzzing all day. First Casey and Steve; now your boyfriend James. All within a week. Principal Himbry announced there would be no school after tomorrow and everyone was either over the moon and playing this off like it was no big deal or completely terrified. You were the latter.

You were getting into your locker, ready to end the day when you saw your locker neighbors come by.

"Hey..." Sidney gave a soft smile and you forced a smile back that fell as quickly as it came.

"Hey, what's up? Sorry I didn't see you guys at lunch. I had mine outside."

"Alone?" Tatum asked with a raised eyebrow and you simply nodded.

Sidney's gaze softened. "That's okay but you know you can talk to us whenever, right?"

You nodded again, "Yeah, totally. I know you guys are always here for me."

Tatum got into her locker before asking. "...I hate to be the hundredth person to probably ask you this today but how are you holding up?"

You frowned and shrugged. "Not great."

Tatum cringed. "Yeah stupid question, I know. I mean, how the hell are you supposed to feel with your boyfriend being a victim? Seriously. We were shocked you even came to school today..."

You put a book away and replied. "Yeah but I just don't want to be home alone with my thoughts. Besides, the police have already questioned me twice. As soon as I got here actually. Might be more questioning if I stayed home."

Tatum scoffed, "Was it Dewey?"

"No, the Detective."

Sidney scrunched her brows. "Why? You already told them what they needed to know when it happened Thursday night just like the rest of us."

Randy leaned against your locker. He showed up with Stu. Billy trailed behind them. He eyed Sidney but she looked away. You all complained about the tension in the group. Stu and Billy were friends, Tatum and Sidney were friends, Dating... It got complicated.

After Billy was held for being a suspect in Casey's death and the phone calls; Sidney and him weren't speaking to each other. You didn't pry, just thinking it was some teen lovers quarrel that would be over within a few days.

"Must be looking at you as a suspect. That's an interesting plot twist." Randy hummed.

Stu walked over and wrapped an arm around his girlfriend. "What's interesting, Ray?"

"Nothing, just curious about why they're interrogating YN again. I mean, they aren't gonna do that unless they have something to really worry about..."

He stared at you and you glared at him back. "...What?"

"Nothing...Just that you don't seem too upset."

Sidney spoke up. "Randy, I'm sure YN is just trying to get through it all. She's processing her boyfriend's death for crying out loud."

"Oh yeah? Then why not ask questions like who did it or why?"

"I..." You muttered, "I can't think of anyone that wanted him dead. But..." You trailed off. Subconsciously touching your neck.

Randy's gaze darted to your hand then back up to meet your eyes "But someone who was hurt by him. A lot. Someone who wanted revenge or maybe self defense that got too carried away."

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