Chapter 2

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I got home and agreed to meet up with Jason at my house.. ugh! why him?

I went to the fridge and no food.
Great just great! I slammed it shut and went to the sofa and sighed it felt so comfortable. Wait. My dads not home yet. Perfect time for this.

I went upstairs and looked in my purse I barely touch and grabbed a dime bag and a gar. Yay! I grabbed my grinder and started twisting making it too shred into pieces as I finished , I grabbed the gar and carefully opened it dumping the bad shit in the garbage. After finishing rolling, I lit it up and inhaled and let the smoke slowly go into my throat down to my lungs. I sighed in relief, then exhaled. Damn, I feel relaxed now. Only thing that made me forget about the world and bullshit. Yes, I smoke .. reason beings.

"This is is nice." I said to myself.

After I finished doing that, I grabbed my eye drops and put them into my eyes so it won't look like I was smoking. Then went to grab the febreze spray and sprayed my room.

"Catalina!" shit. My dads home. I ran downstairs and hugged him. My dad was the only thing I had in my life right now. I don't want to lose him. I already lost my mom.

"You hungry? Here's some money and the car keys, go get something. I got to go back to work."

I nodded. "Dad , somebody is coming over tonight , we have to do an assignment together. Teacher's Instructions." I told him crinching my nose.


My dad left 2 hours ago and he agreed for Jason to come. Ehh... I was siting on the dining room checking twitter while eating tacos.

"what's up?"

I jumped up and saw Jason was standing there in my kitchen. What the actual fuck?

"How the fuck did you get in here?! There's something called knocking!!" I yelled.

He gave me a smirk then laughed. "ok, ok. Calm down. your door was unlocked and I wanted to come and surprise you."

"Next time knock and I don't wanna talk. Let's just get this over with." i spat while giving him a dirty look. I started to lead him upstairs in my room where my laptop is.

*Smack* Did he really just?
"Mmm, Damn, yeah jiggle." he smirked.

I turned around to realize I slapped him. His eyes darkened and he clenched his jaw grabbed my wrist and whispered,
"you're going to pay for that."
Holding his cheek he made his way to walk out my house.

I gave a confused look then shrugged it off. sigh. I guess I got to start this myself.


Twitter : @lmla502

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