Chapter 27

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The whole flight I couldn't help but think of who the flight attendant was. Why was she nervous when she sees Jason and avoids me? She looks so familiar but I couldn't think of who. But all I knoe is she is really thin.

"Catalina?" I looked at Jason and he nervously chuckled.
"Not changing your mind about all this are we, eh?"

"No. I'm just thinking about something else. Can I ask you something?" I said turning to him. He nodded his head.

"Does the flight attendant always get scared when she's around you?" I asked.

"No, not really now that I think of it. At first when she started working here she was but she got used to it but for some reason she started again when you first came on this jet." Jason shrugged looking like he didn't care. But who can she be?

"Hey, don't think about her. Ignore her. She probably has some problems in her life right now like we do. No big deal." Jason said. I nodded my head in agreement and decided to avoid it.

"Oh by the way, we're here you doofus." He said. I glared at him. He laughed, "What?"

"Don't call me doofus, asshole." I gritted through my teeth.

"Aww, come on. Don't get butt hurt I was just joking, but come on." He stood up and held his hand out. I grabbed it and we headed toward the door. I looked at flight attendant lady, right when I looked at her she looked away with a tear falling from her cheek. I leaned over to Jason and whispered to his ear that I want to talk to her. At first he disagreed but then let me.

"Hey, look at me." She looked at me. "What's going on?" She stayed quiet.
"Why do you get scared with Jason all of a sudden?" I asked again.

She sighed, "Ma'am. I hope you've had a nice flight. Hope to see you soon again. Have a good day." Then walked away quickly. I looked over at Jason, all he did was shrug.

"Come on Catalina." Jason said annoyed. I looked over at where he was and wow the view was great. I think we were in bora bora.

"Jason, this is beautiful! Oh my gosh!" I squealed. He gave me a huge smile knowing he accomplished something. I walked over to him and kissed his cheek and put my arms around his neck and he out his arms around my waist and rested his forehead against mine, "Anything for you." he whispered. He started to lean but I stopped him.

"What's wrong?" He sadly said.

"Jason. I said no kisses, remember?" I reminded him.

He sighed in annoyance, "How long till I can kiss you."

I shrugged and smiled, "We'll see."


"You like it?" I was gazing our hotel room more like suite. How does he even?

"Okay, so apparently call me Rick this whole week. They don't really know how I look like so yeah." Jason said.

I nodded my head and giggled, "Why rick?"

"I don't know, I like it." He croaked.

I laughed, "Wierdo."

"Can I ask you something?" He asked.

I laid on the bed trying to get comfortable, "Shoot."

"Why are you being so nice too me?" I sat up and looked at him. Am I really mean too him?

"Like I said, giving you a chance." I said.

He chuckled, "Okay, Get up! Since we're in the middle of nowhere we got a beach to yourselves come on! We just got here!"

"Nooo, I got a jet lag." I whined.

"Liar. Now come on. I came here to show you that I can make you happy." He said.

I sighed and got up. "Let me go get ready." I grabbed my swim suit and ran to the bathroom. I took off my clothes and slipped on my top and bottoms. The bottoms were black and the top had strings hanging from them and it was white. It was pretty cute. I put my hair in a bun and took off make-up. Time to get this week started. I got out and saw Jason on the bed laying down with his eyes closed, shirtless with his swim short. I gulped, his body is so breath taking. His tattoos looked so good on him. How can someone like him be attracted too me?

"Hey take a picture it'll last longer." He jokingly said and he looked over at me and had such an adorable smile on him.

I blushed, "Don't flatter yourself."

"Mhmm, Yeah." He said. He got from bed and stared at me.

After 10 seconds I crossed my arms, "What?"

He smirked and quickly ran up to me and picked up causing me too scream.

"Jason!!! Put me down!" I yelled while laughing. He chuckled. I stopped yelling while he kept walking. I was hanging behind him while his ass was in my face.
"Great." I muttered. I looked at the ground and started to feel nauseous. I looked back at Jason's ass and smirked and smacked it.

"Hey! Chill!" He chuckled.
I started laughing. He stopped walking. Then I felt a smack on my butt causing me to gasp, "Payback princess." He said. I could just picturing him smirking.
He put me down in front of him and I felt the cold water and jumped causing putting my legs around Jason's waist and putting my arms around his neck and burying my face into his chest, "You should've told me that I was going to land on water." I said.

"Okay, Sorry. But wow it really startled you because you literally jumped on me." He laughed. That laugh. I smiled. His laugh is so heart melting. I looked up at him causing him to look down at me. His eyes were literally sparkling and I zoned out in them.

"You're so beautiful Catalina." He whispered. I was too zoned into his eyes to say anything. I looked down at his soft pink plum lips, I leaned in and put my lips against his lips. He was shocked at first but kissed back. I know I said no kisses till he proves he can show his love for him but hey I can't help it, I'm falling for this guy. He then licked my bottom lips asking for entrance and I gave permission, we started to make-out passionately. I felt butterflies in my stomach and my heart melt. After a minute he let's go and we both try to catch our breath and he put his forehead against mine looking down at my lips.

"I love you so much, Catalina." He whispered and looked at me. I looked into his eyes and smiled. I love you too Jason I thought to myself.

Remember if you guys see any mistakes let me knoe 😩
Twitter: @lmla502 🌚

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