Chapter 33

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My phone is still broken.. as soon as i get it back, i will update more, but for now heres chapter 33(:


Jason's POV

Is this fucking serious right now? Catalina has too much shit going through her life and now this fucking shit. I was speaking to the flight attendant lady, I forgot her fucking name anyways and what she fucking just told me is crazy. I can't believe this, no wonder why she always looked at Catalina all the time and creeped her out. I don't think Catalina would be to happy hearing this. My jaw clenched and I glared at her, she grabbed my hand and I yanked it away.

She sighs, "Calm down, this isn't about you anyways, it's about Cata."

"Whatever is going on in her life, is my fucking buisness too." I spat. Who the hell does she think she is telling me what isn't my buisness. Catalina lives with me, so of course I have to know everything about her, plus she's my girl.

"Please I need to talk to her." she begged.

I got up and punched the wall, "Don't you fucking understand that she's injured at the moment. You should just fucking leave. I don't want her knowing this bullshit, get out of our damn lives!" I yelled causing her to jump.

"Jason, You need to understand that she needs to know, Please. I want her to know the truth, please." She pleaded.

"Get the fuck out." I tried to say calmly but failed.

"J-Jason please, what if i got to the room and ask if she wants to know." She said scared. This bitch really doesn't get it. She doesn't know what i'm capable of doing. I pulled out a gun from my pocket and pointed it straight to her forhead.

"I really suggest you leave ma'am." I whispered while smirking.

she chuckled nervously, " J-Jason, lets not do something we will regret now."

I sarcastically laughed, "Funny, not if you do this for living."

Her eyes widened, does she really not know who I am? I smirked.

"That's right bitch, i'm Jason fucking McCann." I spat.

"Jason, just let me talk to my-" I didn't even let her finish her sentence because I grabbed her by her hair and dropped her to the ground causing her scream. I started dragging her by her hair to get her the fuck out my damn house. She was screaming the whole way, she didn't listen to me so she deserves every minute of this.

As soon as I opened the door, James was there. He looked down at the lady then back at me.

"What are you doing Jason?" James asked.

"Please help me, all I just wanted to do was talk to Catalina!" She sobbed.

"Shut up stupid bitch!" I yelled and smacked her. She yelped.

"Woah!! Chill Jason!" James yelled. I gave him a death glare and he automatically knew I was pissed.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Melissa said annoyed As soon as she saw what was happening she quickly walked away.

"Okay, I thought my baby sister would help but I guess not." James said, kinda shocked.

I kinda forgot that I had this bitch in my grip till she started squirming.
I dragged her outside and threw her and forcelly put the gun right to her head.

"Any last words?" I smirked. She had an ugly ass crying look on her face making me cringe, In the corner of my eye I can see James and Jacob staring.

"Please.Please.Please.No." she said through sobs.

"Don't fucking come to my house ever again. Catalina is injured right now and you had the fucking urge to try to talk to her, do you even know how much physical pain she is in right now, Huh?!" I yelled to her face. How fucking disrespectful of her.

"When you're talking to me, you answer me bitch!!" I said smacking her again.

"I'm sorry!!" She yelled, "I was just tempted to speak to her."

"Get the fuck out, now!!" I said pointing to the gate. She continued to sob as she ran. Hope she learned her fucking lesson. I walked back into the house, into the kitchen, went to the fridge and got a beer and started chugging it down without taking a break.

"Hey,calm down." Jacob chuckled. I looked at him and sighed of relaxation.

"Fuck off." I playfully said. He's an idiot.

"I really thought you were going to kill that old lady." Jacob said seriously.

"Nah, I can't do that." I said. She almost going to die anyways, she's almost there.

Jacob gasped, "What? The famous Jason McCann didn't want to kill someone?"

I chuckled, "I had a reason not to."

"Oh and what is that reason?" Jacob asked.

"Don't fucking worry about it," I spat. No one is going to know about this especially not Catalina. Talking about Catalina I need to go and check on her.

"I got to go check on Catalina." I ignored his response and walked to her room and she was crying and I quickly ran up to her.

"What's wrong baby?" I said while caressing her forehead.

"Jason. It hurts so much." She whispered. I hate seeing her in pain. It fucking hurts me.

"I know baby, i'm so sorry this happened. I will never let anybody else hurt you again babygirl."

She whimpered and cried even more then said something that will probably be true.

"You said that last time, what if it happens again? You can't keep saying this Jason." She sobbed. She whimpered and closed her eyes because of the pain.

I kissed her forhead, "Don't worry babygirl. I will not let you out of my sight ever again. No matter what even if you're mad at me. I will stay with you where ever you are. I will give you space, but i'm going to be there. I can't let anybody else hurt you. I will not let anybody hurt you, I promise."

She giggle quietly, "Jason, please do me a favor?"

She's so fucking adorable. I wish I could fuck the shit out of her right now.

"Of course princess, anything." I said desperately. I had my full attention on her.

"Don't tell me you promise because they could be broken. Please unpromise right now." Catalina begged.

This is breaking my heart, "Fine, then I pro- I mean I will not let anything happen to you." I said softly.

She smiled, "I love you Jason."

I smiled and pecked her lips.


Finishing here because my brother is bitching about giving him the phone back but please check grammer for me.


Twitter: @lmla502


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