Chapter 14

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*Jason's POV*

She looked worried. Why? I didn't want her to see me like this, but I had no choice.
I can't tell her who did this because she would be upset but, damn he was strong. I groaned in pain.

"N-nothing h-happened." I could barely say.

"Jason stop. Don't tell me nothing happened because look how hurt you look." Catalina said. Damn. All I did was groan in pain and deciding to ignore her.

"James, tell me what happened?" She asked.

"Nothing, we just got jumped." he said.

I smirked at him because he kept his word.

"Take him to his room and let me check him." Melissa said.

They hurried taking me to my room, I looked at Tyler and said, "What's going on? I was in a fight, it's not like I got shot."
he ignored me and placed me on the bed.

"Alright guys get out."

I winced in pain, when Melissa touched my side.

"Okay, Jason. You got stabbed and cut really deep, I need to stitch you up, Stay with me." Melissa said.

I looked at her in confusion, I don't remember being stabbed on my side, I shrugged it off and nodded my head.

"W-wait, where's C-catalina?" I could barely say, "Take care of her."
This pain was too much and I felt like I couldn't take it anymore.

"Don't say that Jason, Stay with me. You're going to make it, you're just injured." I heard Melissa's voice echoed.

My vision started getting blurry. Last thing I saw was Catalina's beautiful face, but she was in tears.


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