Chapter 24

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I went running down stairs out of breath screaming for my life. James eyes widened when he saw how frightened I was and kept asking me why I was freaking out. After calming down a bit I told him that their was a bomb in my room.

James eyes widened, "Where is it?!" James said panicking. I tried to breathe, I was still freaked out myself on what's going on right now. Melissa was trying to calm me down saying everything is going to be alright, how can she not be freaking out. We could die right now. I want to leave this place. I wanted to run out and leave everyone hanging but instead I went to go tell them.

"I-It's in m-my room!" I barely got out. James ran upstairs and cane down running back with the box in his hands. "Khalil, get me the damn scissors!!" Khalil hurried and came back faster than Speedo Gonzalez. James grabbed the scissors and closed his eyes and took a deep breath and muttered 'ok' under his breath.

He grabbed the red and put it in between the scissors. I closed my eyes while shaking. I was literally sobbing this is my first time seeing a bomb. It kept ticking '50 seconds left' .

"Go get everyone and get them out the house!"

Jacob ran up the stairs and came back holding Jason, I'm surprised he can even carry him. Jason looked over at me and gave me a sly smile, "Hey Catawinaaa." he slurred. Damn, this idiot is still drunk. I gave me a death glare. I shouldn't even talk too him right after the way he talked to me. I looked over at James, we were all still in the house but on the front door.

"I don't know if it's the blue or red wire, sometimes it's tricky." James said worried.

"Uhh, try the red." Tyler said in a casual voice. I looked over at him, how is he not freaking out.

James gulped and took another deep breath. He quickly cut the red wire quickly and it stopped on 20 seconds. James sighed in relief and so did we.

"Catalina, how di-" The bomb started beeping quicker going down.
"EVERYBODY GET THE FUCK OUT!!!" James yelled. We all went running outside and tried to run from the house before we knew it the whole house went in flames. The bomb was a strong one it made me fly and I hit the ground hard and all I heard was loud ringing noise in my ear. I tried to get up but my body was weak. Everything right now is blurry. I was in so much lain right now. I felt someone pick me up then started running.

I heard someone chuckle, "Don't worry, you'll be safe with me babe." There voice echoed. I got dropped to the ground and heard yelling but I couldn't really hear what they were saying. But, i'm pretty sure I heard a couple gun shots. Please don't tell me that guy is still here and hurt someone. This pain was really killing me at the moment. My body is too weak to function right now. I decided that I should just relax a bit. I slowly started closing my eyes. Then fell into deep sleep.


2 Hours Later.

I opened my eyes and tried to get my vision to focus. I was in a bed.
"She's Awake!" I heard someone say. I looked over and saw Jason by my side holding my hand, I yanked my hand away and gave him a disgusted look. Does he really think i'm just going to forgive him?

"Catalina, I'm so sorry." He whispered, "I didn't know what I was saying, Jacob told me what happened just know it meant nothing."

Everybody was around and I really didn't want to have a worthless argument with him right now. All I did was nod my head. He sighed, "I'm honestly sorry Catalina." I nodded my head again not looking at him.

"Anywaaaaays!" James said in a awkward voice. Everybody looked over at James, "How are you feel Cata? Better?" I nodded my head, "Yeah, but where are we?"

"You're in our warehouse, where we train and shit." Khalil answered. I nodded my head. This place seem pretty nice. Not as nice as the other house but it's pretty.

"I still don't understand how you guys are used to this after six bombings, i'd probably still be terrified." I confusingly said.

Jason chuckled making his nose crinkle, which literally melted my heart. But, I decided not too show it.

"What Jason is trying to say is that we can't really show fear, but at the same time we're used to this type of stuff." Tyler said.

"Wait, Where's Melissa?" I asked. I just barely noticed she wasn't even in the room. I started to get a worried look in my face, did something happen to her. I just remembered the gunshots that happened after the bomb.

"Oh, she's making food. Calm down, looks like you're about to have a heart attack, silly." Jacob chuckled.

"By the way, What happened after the bombing. I heard gunshots?" They all looked at each other and nodded.

"Catalina, there's this guy named Shawn who's after you. He really doesn't like Jason, So he'll take a chance to kill somebody he loves." I looked down at my hands with a confused look, Wait, someone he loves? Jason doesn't even love me after seeing how he insulted me I doubt he actually feels something for me. No.

"Okay, the real question here is. How did the bomb even get in your room?" I looked up and remembered I guess his name is shawn's voice echo in my head, "Don't you dare tell Jason I came." So if I tell him will he hurt me? I can't risk that chance. I can't. I don't wanna be in any physical pain.

"Catalina?" I looked up and I guess I got lost in my thoughts I looked at them and shrugged, they gave me a weird look but shook it off and nodded.

"Well if you don't mind we need to go downstairs for a meeting about this whole situation." James said in avery serious voice. I nodded my head and smiled.
They all walked out but Jason was just staring at the floor still by my side. He looked up at me, "Are you going to be okay?" He asked. I annoyingly nodded my head. He sighed and walked to the door.

"Catalina, I love You."
Then walked out.


Twitter: @lmla502

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