Chapter 34

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I'm finally back. Got my phone fixed. Thanks to my father.


Catalina's POV

Something is wrong here. Jason didn't tell me he loved me back. I frowned. Does he not love me anymore after I told him I love him? Did he change his mind that quick?

"You okay babe?" Jason asked worriedly. I nodded my head. I decided to not tell him, I don't want to sound desperate asking him to tell me he loves me back. I will just get it from his actions, well because actions speaks louder than words, So I heard.

I groaned in pain when I tried to move my leg.
"Now princess, you can't move at all, you're still injured. You need to stay in bed." Jason commanded.

I groaned, "But, I don't want to. I wish this didn't happen, but can you just lay next to me please? I need your comfort." I begged.

Jason eagerly nodded his head and walked over to the other side on the bed and slowly got on the bed.

"Is it okay if I touch you?" Jason asked. I gave him a weird look. Why would he ask that i'm clearly his girlfriend, if he wants to he will. Unless I tell him not too.

"What? Why are you look at me like that Cata?" He asked confused.

"Why are you asking? Of course you can." I chuckled then gave him a confused look.

"Yeah, but you're in pain at the moment, what if I touch you and I make it worse. I don't want you to be in pain for more than a week." He replied, I nodded my head in agreement. But, then remembered what I heard earlier. Should I ask him about that? Or not? I heard him yelling downstairs with someone but I didn't know

"Justin?" I asked while staring him straight in his eyes. He turned his head letting me know he's listening, I took a deep breath before I opened my mouth to say anything.

"Who were you yelling at downstairs?" I asked.
Jason's body tensed and looked away upset, "Nobody important."

"Justin? who is that nobody important?" I asked. He should really tell me. I looked into his eyes and he seemed really bothered by the question, but it was a simple question. If the person is not important than I want to know.

"Look Catalina, When I said nobody important, i'm trying to tell you to not worry about it. So, Can you please not worry about it, damn!" He spat. I wasn't really shocked with his tone. I should be use to it by now. But, I wonder who that. I crossed my arms and jus stared up at the ceiling trying to find out.

"I know you are trying to figure out who it is, stop. If its nobody important, then it's fucking nobody." Jason said in a serious tone. Ass.

Sometimes I wonder why he keeps things from me. I wonder what else he is keeping from me? What if he's fucking other girls behind my back? I would never forgive him for that. I would leave so quick, well maybe not because I have no where to stay.

"Catalina??" I looked over at Jason and he was looking at me weird.

"What?" I asked.

"You okay," No. "What were you thinking about?" I smirked knowing I will annoying him after saying this.

"Nothing important." I shrugged and looked at my nails. Oh god, I really need to do my nails. I heard Jason groan, I looked up at him, eyes were full of anger but I could tell he was trying to calm down.

"Ooooo, babe. I like it when you're mad. You're making me wet." I said seductively.

His eyes widened and looked over at me desperately and licked his lips, "Stop Catalina." He hoarsed.

I giggled and put my hand under his shirt and started tracing around his abs and to his chest, "I want you to make me feel good." At this point I decided not to play around I really wanted him inside of me, making me feel good.

I saw his hard, Damn he's fast, I smirked. I may be in pain right now, but I need to feel good at the moment. Jason is the only one who will make me feel that way and I know it.

Jason groaned, "Catalina, why do you decide to this now? I'm sorry but I can't, not in your condition, your injured." He shaked his head in disappointment and got up from the bed.

I sighed in frustration. If only My damn dad didn't make this happen, We would be happy right now. Him making me feel good and I making him feel good.

"I'm going to take a shower." Jason said softly, scratching the back of his neck. Don't tell me he's going to do what I think he's going to do? If he is, might as well.

"Think about me in there babe." I winked.

He furrowed his eyebrows together, "What do you mean?"

I giggled, "You know exactly what I mean."

"Okay, you got me. Fine I will, just know i'd rather make love all night." He winked.

"I don't." I said satcastically. He gave me a stupid look.

"So you're telling me the whole teasing thing was nothing? Even if you weren't injured and I tried to go in, you wouldn't let me?" He asked confused.

"Nope." I said with confidence. He rolled his eyes, "You're an ass babe."

"I know, get your ass in the shower now," I demanded, "Your wasting time."

"Okay! Mom!" He sarcastically said waving his hands in the air. "If i'm not out in time to see you, Call Melissa to help you or get you something."

"Um, are you sure?" I asked concerned.

He walked to me and kissed me on my forehead, "Positive babygirl. I love you. If she doesn't just tell me and i'll deal with her afterwards."

I smiled, "I love you too Jason." Hearing him say those three words made my heart flutter and send chills down my spine. I'm such a lucky woman. I watched him walk away from me and I never noticed his bum is actually quite big. Damn, I need to smack that more offen. I laughed to myself, I hope me and Jason don't have anymore problems with someone sooner or later. I know i'm not going to be im the mood for bullshit at all.

I was really stuck on what to write, but I hope this is okay. its not more than 30 or more pages but i needed to update.


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