Chapter 19

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I woke up and heard voices. At first I was confused on why I fell asleep. But, then remember what actually happened.

"Jason, I'm so disappointed in you, you're supposed to be protecting her not trying to kill her! I made a damn mistake trusting you with her. You were the one who brought her here so I assumed she must be more comfortable with you. But, Jacob is staying from now on." I heard James say.

"No! Not him! Give me another chance!! I couldn't control myself, Please!!" I heard Jason beg.

"That's exactly why i'm leaving Jacob to stay here with her. It can happen again. What you did today can be worse next time!"

"James, You can't fucking do this! She'll want me to st-" Melissa cut Jason off.

"You guys! She's awake." she said glaring at them.

I looked around and everybody was in here. Jason ran over to me and tried to put his hand on my cheek to try to comfort me but I flinched before he could touch me, I was afraid he'll try to do something again. He noticed and his eyes filled with sadden.
"I'm sorry." He whispered.

"Please leave, I don't want you here right now." I said frightened.

"Cata, Please listen to me." He said softly.

"Jason, just leave. You made her be scared of you." Tyler said.

Jason looked at me with hope. All I did was look away. He sighed and walked away. Wow, I still couldn't believe he did this. Why? Why does Jason hate me? I began to sob in front of everybody and at this point I didn't care anymore.
"Why would he do this." I sobbed.

"Cata, I already warned you about him, but you still went to go mess with him." Melissa said with disappointment.

I looked around and noticed I wasn't in my room. I looked at Melissa with a confused look.

"Oh! Sorry, this is my room. Apparently your bed is wet?" Jacob asked giving me a confused look. Melissa started laughing. "Jacob, you should know already that Jason did that, you know how he usually wakes us up."

Jacob chuckled, "Oh yeah."

"Can you guys please just leave I want to be alone right now." I said softly.

They all walked out the room without saying anything. But, Jacob came back with a glass of water and gave it to me and smiled. "For you my lady." He said and walked out.

I sighed in frustration. Why did this happen to me? I started sobbing harder. But, it took me a minute to realize that there is a reason i've been living hell this past week. It was all because of Jason. I walked out Jacob's room and went straight to my room. Soon as I closed the door, I slid down and started sobbing again. He almost killed me. If it wasn't for Khalil I would've been dead by now. I don't know what got over me but , I started to get angry I got up and started destroying everything.
"I HATE YOU JASON MCCANN!!!" I screamed knocking down my lamp and it made a crashing noise. I went to my counter where all my make-up and other things were and knocked them all down.
Hasn't even been a damn month and he's hurt me already. It feels like someone is stabbing me with knives and pens. I didn't even do shit to him, I went to my closet and opened the door revealing my reflection looking back at me. I looked terrible. I cringed in disgust. Somebody started banging on the door.

"Catalina! Are you okay?! Open the door." Khalil said worriedly.

"Leave me alone!!!!" I yelled and noticed I punched my mirror.
"FUCK!" I screamed while seeing that my knuckles were all bloody. This hurt so much. I went on my knees and started crying more while my hands were in my face.

I heard someone open the door and ran to me and hugged me. I didn't even bother to look up.

"This is my fault, I am so sorry." I flinched.

"Jason, Please leave. I'm sorry that you had to keep me here, i'm so-"

James interrupted me.
"Jason, get the hell out of here!!!"

Jason ignored him.
"Catalina, Please don't blame yourself. This is my fault I was so stupid too hurt you." I couldn't even reply to him because James dragged him out and shut the door. But, Khalil stayed.
He came up to me and hugged me.

"Khalil, I forgot to say Thank you. Thank you for saving me out there." I said softly.

"Hun, Jason feels something for you that's why I did it, if he didn't I would've probably let him kill you." He chuckled.

I looked up at him giving him a confused look. "What do you mean Jason feels something for me?"

"You really don't know? Okay, he may have a girlfriend but I can tell you that he probably doesn't even give two shits about her. He doesn't look at her the same way he looks at you. Trust me what I'm saying. Plus I like you, you'd be good for him. Anyways I got to go please don't harm yourself anymore. Here let me see." He put neosporin on my knuckles and I hissed in pain.
"I know, I know just calm down."

After he was done he wrapped it up in a gauze. He smiled and walked out. I sighed. I looked around and wow did I make a mess. I decided to just lay on the ground and drifted off to sleep.



I woke up and noticed I fell asleep for 12 hours! But then noticed I wasn't even in my room anymore I was in somebody else's. It was too dark in my room so I couldn't see. "Jacob?" I whispered loudly.
The person groaned. I touched on the bed, but realized nobody was next to me, where was the groan coming from?
"Jacob?!" I said loudly this time.

"I'm trying to sleep! Oh, Catalina you finally woke up. It's 3AM so let me sleep." Wait. Jason? I got up quickly to get out the door. I heard Jason stumble but made it to the door before me.

"Jason Move." I said calmly.

"Catalina Please let's talk." He said in his raspy sleepy voice.

"Jason we have nothing to talk about. You nearly killed me. That's what you do best."

I felt him come closer to my body and push me softly against the door and felt his breath close to my lips. "Cata, please." he whispered.

He flickered on the lights and we both started to look in each other's eyes. I started admiring his features. His light brown eyes and beautiful skin and his soft pink plump lips. He started leaning in and I put my hand on his lips.
"Goodbye Jason." I said trying to get off his grip.

"Say it now and I will leave you alone from now on." he said. I looked up at him and stared at him for a couple minutes thinking if i'm about to make a good or bad decision about this. But before I answered he smashed his lips on mine and man did this feel good it felt like my heart just exploded. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance and I gave permission and we both started making out passionately. I pulled away and stared at him which cause him to give me a confused look.
"Hey what's wrong?" I did nothing but kissed him again. I don't think I can ever let him go I need to let him now how I feel.

I pulled away and smiled at him and he smiled back. I then realized what i'm doing I letting him win. Is it too late too change my mind?

"Goodbye Jason." I said. His eyes were full of sadness before I walked out.


I tried making it long lol. I am so so sorry for any mistakes. Let me know if there's any and I will fix it.

Twitter : @lmla502

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