Chapter 20

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One Month Later.

Jason did it. He actually did what he said he was going to do. He's been leaving me alone.

He acts like I don't even exist anymore.
I'm starting to think this was a bad idea what I said, I should've just gave in that day. He makes me feel like it's my fault that this happened. I was in bed right now, I groaned getting off my bed and straight to the bathroom and did what I had to do. I went down to the kitchen and saw Jason on his phone. He looked up but quickly looked away once he saw me.

I walked to the fridge and took an apple out and sat across from him. All I did was look at him while he was looking at his phone.
"I'm getting tired of this, stop acting like I don't exist please." No reply. He got up and walked out the house. I sighed, of course. Right as he left the others came in.

"Catalinaa, What a surprise you are up early!" Jacob ran up to me and hugged me. I started laughing and hugged him back.

"Yeah." I said smiling. For this whole month i've done nothing but sleep till 3pm right now its 10am. I looked the whole gang and they smiled at me but I noticed somebody new was here. I looked at James "Who's this?" I said smiling at the unknown person.

"Oh, Catalina this Alex, but have you seen Jason?" James asked.

"Nah, he left. He didn't tell me where." I answered not interested.

"What's up with you two? You guys aren't talking at all." He asked confused.

I sighed. "It's complicated."

"Oh so this is the girl that Jason is in love with?" Alex said smirking.

"Yeah bro. But, stop talking she doesn't even have a clue 'bout it." Jacob said.

I laughed, "What? He isn't in love with me guys?"

"Oh yeah, you're right; yeah not in love with you; sure say that." They all said together. I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to my room." I said walking upstairs but Tyler grabbed my arm, "No, come with us to the theater room.. We have nothing to do today so we want to watch a movie."

"Sure." I answered.

An hour later.

After finishing watching the movie we all went to the kitchen trying to decide what to eat.

"How about she gets us subway." Jacob said. Since they can't go out they have their maid go out and get them food. She knew about them but she was scared also. But they were all sweet to her.

"Yeah sounds good." Khalil said.

We told Consuela to go and she just nodded her head and left. Afterwards, Jason came back but with Vanessa.

"Oh, Jason we sent out Consuela to get us food do you want anything?" Tyler asked him.

Jason looked up and saw me but ignored. "Nah bro, I already went to go eat with my girl." He said and pecked her lips. She giggled, "Babe stop not here."

Jason smirked, "I'll see you guys later." They both walked upstairs to his room.
I looked down and grabbed a water bottle, "You guys I think i'm going to go in my room I need some alone time."

"Catalina, stop. If this is about Jason. Jus-" I cut her off.

"No, I had fun with you guys but I just need to be alone."

"Catalina! I don't give a damn I don't want you in closed doors right now! Let's go in the pool. Matter of fact, Lets all go!" James said.

"Yeah!!!" they all yelled.
I smiled. "Alright let me just go upstairs to go get ready." I walked upstairs. While passing Jason's room I heard moaning. Ouch, Okay.
"Say my name Catalina!!" I heard Jason moan my jaw dropped open. Did he really just say that? I was hold in my laughter. Then, I heard Jason say "No, Vanessa please i'm sorry!!!"

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