Prologue: Watatslutty Toys

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It was a crisp, comfortably warm summer morning. The sun was shining high above Narukami Shrine as three of Inazuma's most powerful women gathered at the stately Kamisato Estate, near the foothills of the sacred Mount Yogou: Kujou Sara, Kamisato Ayaka, and Sangonomiya Kokomi.

In a manner similar to feudal barons divvying up the spoils of their lord's conquered land, these three ladies were negotiating how they would govern a new Inazuma. The realm had been entrusted to them by Ei, who was reflecting on a new way to pursue Eternity without holding back the dreams of her people.

"The Shogun's decree is clear," said Kujou Sara, crossing her arms and closing her golden eyes. "My clan is in chaos, and I forfeited my adopted place among them when I became Kokomi's ally. However, after my stint as the Resistance's hostage and our victory over the Fatui conspirators, Her Excellency has empowered me to restore honour to the Tenryou Commission."

Sangonomiya Kokomi glanced at her, a hundred conflicting emotions arising in her. "Sara..."

They were sitting in seiza position, with the two new girlfriends facing Kamisato Ayaka from across the table in the outdoor pavilion of the garden. The sea breeze blowing from the mountainside was cooling and refreshing. They were enjoying fine matcha tea that Thoma had brought from Komori Teahouse. "Do you need more hot water?" asked the handsome housekeeper, as he stood at attention, his shadow falling protectively and benevolently over Ayaka.

"Sara-san? Kokomi-dono? Do you want a refill?" invited Ayaka. For the sake of appearances, she was more deferential to Kokomi, who outranked Sara as the Divine Priestess of a deity. They shook their heads, and Ayaka beamed at Tohma lovingly. "No, thank you. That'll be all for now."

"I'm glad to be able to see you three together, talking peace and friendship. Looks like I'm out of a fixer's job," he observed, his kind green eyes shining with pride in his lady. Her smile radiant, Ayaka nodded at him, and he bowed and excused himself.

The Raiden Shogun - no, Ei, the Electro Archon - had been defeated by the Traveler just as Sara and Kokomi had managed to expel the Fatui forces from Yashiori Island. Earlier, Sara had given herself to Kokomi as a hostage, with the aim of kickstarting peace talks. They kickstarted much more than that. After several nights of freakish passion and red-hot, spanking bondage, Kokomi had almost lost her life, wounded by a Fatui agent posing as a Resistance soldier. Now the dust had settled and they were determined to make the most of their new life together.

Ayaka's attention turned to Sara. "I'm so sorry, Sara-san. To be betrayed by traitors to our Shogun, and to have to disown a family you grew up in... it must have shaken you. At least you can lead the Commission personally, now. Still, you don't have to throw yourself into work right away. Wouldn't you like to take a few weeks off first?" she asked compassionately.

"No, thanks," said Sara, "because while I thought I'd lost everything, in reality, I found something much more precious." She glanced at Kokomi fondly. "I'll continue to lead the Narukami Ogosho's armies, since we don't know if the Fatui will strike back at us for revenge. Snezhnaya's diplomacy is unforgiving. But the emphasis of my work has shifted. I'm going to help bring Narukami and Watatsumi closer together. There have been too many rifts between the two islands; first with Orobaxi and Her Excellency centuries ago, and then the civil war. It's time we healed the wounds of the past. I think I can be useful to you in this capacity."

Ayaka nodded, elegantly sipping from her cup. "I can promise you this, Sara-san: just as you've found a home on Watatsumi Island, so do you have a home here with the Kamisatos. I'm proud to call you my new friend."

Sara smiled. "I've always wanted to approach you, Ayaka. I want to get to know you better. I'm just sorry I didn't do so earlier." Her heart had opened up a good deal since she became Kokomi's lover, and she wasn't embarrassed to say to the Kamisato heiress: "Truth be told, I haven't had many friends in my life, and the Kujous never saw me as fully part of their family. So, even if I'm not a good conversationalist, I hope you know that I treasure every moment with you."

"I've waited a long time to be your friend, too. Today, my dream comes true." Ayaka then peered at Kokomi discreetly from behind her cup. "So, tell me, Kokomi-dono. Now that you've disbanded the Resistance, will you be working more closely with us in the Tri-Commission?"

"Yes," said Kokomi. "In her benevolence and wisdom, the Shogun saw past our recent conflict and promoted me to help reform things. I swear on my honour to respect the honour and wishes of the Tri-Commission, especially yours."

Ayaka blushed, having noticed how Kokomi and Sara kept one exchanging doting glances. "I feel like we've achieved so much today, that I don't wish to deprive you of time time alone together here. Perhaps you'd be willing to enjoy these gardens and the wonderful seaside view, if I retired early?"

"I'm sorry," cried Sara, chiding herself. "Were we that... obvious?"

Kokomi smirked to herself, saying nothing. For a brief moment, she lost her polite demeanour and there was a freakish glint in her eyes.

"You're too kind to offer an early conclusion to our meeting, Ayaka-sama," she said placidly. "I think I'd like to take you up on that offer."

Sara and Ayaka blushed harder, silenced by Kokomi's overwhelming, kinky aura.


Kokomi's tongue wandered playfully inside Sara's surrendered mouth, her small body propping the tengu's weak and shaky knees from folding altogether. "I love you so much," growled the former Resistance leader, pinning Sara against the wooden rails that overlooked the seaside. She clutched the tengu's waist, unwilling to release her. "You're so attractive to everyone in Inazuma and you don't even know it. I hate that. I'm going to punish you when we get back home."

She glanced at the shore and the shimmering sea. "Great view, by the way."

The helpless Sara closed her eyes, unable to stop responding enthusiastically, despite feeling extremely embarrassed at making out in public. The Kamisato attendants were too professional to hide from them, even if Kokomi was being so daring and indiscreet. But it felt too good. Kokomi knew how to defeat Sara effortlessly. "I love you too, Kokomi. You've enchanted me, and I don't want your spell to ever break," declared the new Tenryou Commissioner.

"Hm... hm hm." Kokomi slowly withdrew from Sara's soft lips, smiling slyly up at her. "Speaking of breaking..."

Sara blushed. "You're insatiable. You want to work your whips and paddles on me again?"

"You said it, not me," tittered Kokomi. She put a finger on her chin. "What's on your dirty, submissive mind, my loyal dog?"

"Nothing, damn it. You're infuriating," cried Sara, though she was blushing and smiling shyly.

"No, you're right. My mind was heading in that filthy direction too." There was a sadistic glint behind Kokomi's eyes. "I want you to take a detour with me to Inazuma City. I want to show you a lot that I've purchased in Hanamizaka. It's going to be where I do something I really want."

"Huh?" Sara blanched. "Wait. Don't tell me you actually did it."

"Oh yes. That lot is going to be for erecting my new shop."

"Oh, no." Sara blushed more furiously. "No, no, no. No way."

"Why not? This has been my dream for a while. And now that the war is over, I was able to secure a loan from Inazuma's Northland Bank branch."

Kokomi crossed her arms as she smirked at Sara's gobsmacked expression.

"Sara, in just a few weeks' time, my new erotic boutique, Watatslutty Toys, will be open to a discerning clientele that takes pleasure seriously - "   

"Sssshh!" hissed Sara in exasperation. "We're on the damned estate of the damned Kamisatos! Not so loud!"

" - and to attract lovers from all over Teyvat, you're going to be my first customer and quality assurance tester."

"Kokomi!" Red as a beetroot, Sara turned around furiously, throwing up her hands and giving up. She screamed at the blue sky.


She was no longer Kokomi's hostage, but she remained her willing prisoner.

There was no stopping her sweetheart.

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