Kamisato Kink

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Kamisato Estate. Inside the Yashiro Commission Headquarters

"You... you saw them... doing... that?" came the nervous voice behind the majestic, purple screen with gilded sakura flowers. 

"Erm – yes," said the retainer, kneeling before the hidden Ayaka. "It shames me to report that Toda-san, our Narukami Shrine representative, swears on Lady Yae's honour that she saw Kokomi-dono and Sara-sama engaged in a... very public display of affection before they left."

Ayaka couldn't really know how nervous or embarrassed she sounded, fixated as she was by her retainer's report. She could think of little else. She found herself fascinated by the way Sara stole furtive glances at Kokomi while they were negotiating on important matters, and the sadistic glint in Kokomi's eyes while she conversed with Ayaka, completely unflappable and dignified. Were they in love? How did they end up liking each other? Could two women love each other as they might a man? Would it feel just as good, or even better?

The retainer's face twisted in disdain. "Toda-san got a good look, and it was utterly unworthy of the Kamisato Estate. Kokomi-dono's hands were all over Sara-sama, and Sara-sama made no move to push her away – in fact, she seemed to return her embrace. Shameless! They were so eager about it, too, their mouths slobbering all over each other. Sky beast and sea monster indeed!"

"That's quite enough, thank you very much," blurted Ayaka, and the retainer instantly shut up.

"Apologies, Ayaka-sama," he cried, silently chiding himself furiously. "I was so uncouth. I offended you. I must withdraw. I don't wish to shame myself any further." When Ayaka gave her hasty, absent-minded consent, he bowed and took his leave, swearing at himself.

Go on, continue assuming that, thought Ayaka wildly, for it couldn't be further from the truth. The retainer might have thought that Ayaka was so disgusted by his description that she cut his report short, but in fact, it was because she was frightened with herself... by how much she was enjoying it.

What was passing between them? What was Kokomi doing to Sara, and vice versa, in the privacy of their home? Ayaka rose from her seiza sitting position behind her Yashiro screen, shaking her head. Shameful. Unbecoming! What people consensually got up to in their private time had nothing to do with the lady of the Kamisato household. But Ayaka wasn't feeling judgmental; quite the contrary. She was curious, desperately curious. She didn't want to stop them at all: she wanted to find out more.

Never had she sensed such passion emanating from two people so blatantly.

The socially isolated woman's heart began to ache as she thought of the Traveller, and wondered how it would feel if they reached out to hold her hand... or more. What if they looked at Ayaka like Kokomi looked at Sara? What if they invited Ayaka to be more intimate with them? To get acquainted with each other's emotions and bodies?

She flushed beetroot red. No wonder Sara looked so... fresh, so happy, earlier today. To be desired and loved like that... what a wonderful feeling it must be. 

"I miss you," she whispered absently to the Traveller. She began to piningly wonder what they were up to. Did they miss the festival lights and walking around the stalls as much as she did? Had they moved on to Sumeru already, or were they still visiting Inazuma but not even bothering to see her? "Please come back to me soon. Don't forget me so quickly."

She slowly lowered herself back down behind the screen, glancing around nervously. Thoma was out, and she'd ordered the retainers to stay out of her inner quarters for the day. Usually, she'd spend this time reading or catching up on Yashiro Commission material. If she were actually focused on her work, she'd be looking at the minutes recorded by Thoma on Kokomi's and Sara's ideas about splitting the work of the Tri-Commission, and devolving powers to Watatsumi Island. All that was out the window; she was too distracted. She felt almost despondent. Sara and Kokomi had something wonderful between them, just for the two of them.

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