Chapter 16

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~Jungkook Pov~

It was time for us to go home. We all planned to go to Chimmie hyung's house. Soon, we got off the school and walked home, holding eachother's hands.

We got stared at for the 'odd' behavior of us holding hands. But we didn't care a single ounce. All we need is us for ourself.

(Time Skip)

We reached chimmie hyung's home after a 30 minutes walk. We entered in, and me and Taetae hyung ran to the sofa and sat there.

Taetae hyung laid on my lap and shut his eyes. "This is life" He sighed, making me laugh. I combed his hair with my hand, making him sigh out of content again. I smiled at him.

"I guess we'll be staying at my house today then?" Chimmie hyung asks with a laugh. "This is my new home. Duh!" Taetae hyungie says making us both smile wide.

I thought about the idea. Yeah! I really want to stay with my boyfies today. But then, my thought went towards my dad. I hope he'll allow a day out. I will just stay for a day.

Then, I too nodded my head in approval. Soon, I noticed that there was no one in here other than us. Last time too, it was only us. But I didn't ask that time cause, we already had an issue going on.

So, I decided to ask him now. "Jimin hyungie?" I called out looking at him. "Hmm? Yes baby?" He hummed. "Where are your family?" I asked while looking around.

I also noticed that there was no family pictures in any of the wall or stands. There was only a picture of Chimmie hyung with another boy. Maybe his brother?

I noticed him freezing in his place for a second. But soon he gave a sad smile. "They left me, because I came out as gay and they didn't like it. So they kicked me out right that instant" hyungie replied, but I could sense the lie and I just kept quiet.

"That's sick babe! What! They can't just do that" Taetae hyung huffed, still laying in my lap, a clear frown in his face. I nodded in acknowledgement with a frown of my own.

Soon, something else catches my attention. "Also, who is that boy hyungie?" I asked, pointing at the boy in one of the picture. "That's my brother, Luhan!" He answered, smiling a bit more enthusiastically.

"He is the only person in my family who accepted me even before I came out. He was calm about it and when I told him I like someone, he was so happy and wished that he would like me back" Chimmie hyung says, daydreaming a bit about his past.

"Was that Tae hyungie?" I asked as Chimmie hyung nodded. "Oh! Does that mean you have already told him about our relationship?" Taetae hyung asked. Chimmie hyung's eyes widened at that.

"Oh! No I haven't said it still. I'll be right back!" He said and went upstairs. I sighed and got Taetae hyung's head off my lap and stood up.

I laid next to him and cuddled with him. I kept my head on his chest. I heard him chuckle. "Why am I getting this now?" He asked while hugging me close.

"I'm cold" I answered, turning my head to him and pout. He shook his head and chucked again.
~Hoseok Pov~

Me and Yoongi went to our home. Yes, you guessed it right! We live together. We were tired from all the school activities today. We came home and crawled to the sofa and fell on them.

I looked at the open bedroom door and saw my unfinished homeworks. I remember that those are due on next weekend. I sighed 'I can do it in next week'

"You okay baby?" Yoonie asked me while hugging me close. "Yeah I'm good Yoonie. Just thinking" I said while putting my head on his chest. "What are you thinking about baby?" He asked.

"Homeworks and how I don't want to do those!" I grumbled with a sigh. I heard Yoonie chuckle. I smiled at that. "You look so cute babe" I said to him.

Soon, he got up and went in the bedroom to check what was the homework about. But I know he could only see many other jotted notes. All of the homeworks were from the same subject.

I silently prayed that he doesn't find that I was doing other's homework too. I saw him looking at those closely. "Baby, why do you have Namjoon's and Jessica's homework?" Yoongi asked me.

I bit my lips and looked away from him. "T-they force me to do it Yoonie. they started to call me n-names and said that I need to do their homework" I said while looking at my hands.

I could feel that he was getting angry and I didn't know what else to say or do. "No baby! I won't allow you to do that! Why didn't you tell me?" he asked.

I pouted at that. He came near me and lifted my head up and sighed. I hugged him tight "Sorry Yoonie! I'll not upset you here after" I said.

"It's not about me being upset baby! I am upset because you are not telling me when you are in trouble. Please promise me you will tell me here after" He said. "Ok Yoonie I promise!" I smiled at him.

Hi fella readers!~

How are you guys? How is your day? Hope you all are doing good!

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Thank you for reading!~


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