Chapter 33

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My breakfast today...

(Namjoon Pov)

The first class ended soon as the teacher left us five minutes earlier. I got up and left the class to go to the restroom. As I was about to go out, someone dashed in. They immediately started to cry. I noticed that it was Jungkook.

Now that I look at him, he looks almost like a baby and a soft hearted person. I felt angry at myself of being so bad to him. I slowly went near him and tapped his shoulder. He looked up at me and widened his eyes.

He backed away from me and placed his hands on himself to hide. I saw fear in his eyes. I felt like shit. I decided to apologize then and there. "W-what are you d-doing here?" he asked in fragile voice. "Nature calls..." I answered awkwardly. "Listen Jungkook, I want to apologize to you" I said. His eyes went comically wide. "R-really? You are not lying?" He asked in disbelief.

I nodded and looked down. 'He won't believe me of course. I have done so much bad things to him. He won't even forgive you Namjoon. You are such a jerk-' "Sure... You can continue" he said making me snap my head at him and look at him with wide eyes.

I noticed that he was now standing casually and I didn't see any fear in his eyes, it was soft. "You are not angry at me?" I asked in disbelief. 'How can he be so kind hearted. If only I was not like a pervert, I would have noticed this warm person' I thought. He shook his head.

"I am angry at you. But everyone needs a second chance in their life. So, you can speak and I'll decide if I forgive you or not" he said. I smiled sadly at him as tears pooled my eyes 'Is that an angel I am seeing?'. "Thank you Jungkook" I said and started to apologize.

"I am really sorry Jungkook. I know I was bad to you. Its just that you always get high marks and I was jealous of your smile. You look perfect and you look like you have a perfect life that I didn't have and I was stupid back then and thought that if I was unable to to have a happy life then no one should have it. And that's when I saw you in the park... I am sorry for all I did Jungkook. I understand if you don't want to forgive me" I said and bent my head down.

"Its okay Namjoon hyung. I forgive you" he said making me snap my head up to look at him for the second time. I smiled sadly at him. 'He really is a sweet person like Jin hyung said' I thought. Before I could say anything, he continued.

"I don't have a perfect life myself hyung. My mom left me when I came out as gay in my 14s and my dad abused me till last week. Now I left from there and I have been living with my Jimin hyungie for a week" he said.

I widened my eyes at that. 'He was what?!?!?!' I felt really bad now. I added more misery to his life than he was already going through. "I am really really sorry Jungkook! I shouldn't have done that to you or anyone. I am really really sorry" I said as I felt my eyes sting even more.

He smiled at me. "Its okay hyung. I really forgive you for all you did since you realized your mistake yourself" he said. i smiled weakly at him. "But can I ask how you realized this?" He asked. I nodded and answered him.

"Well, I got a crush on someone and every time I looked at them, I felt like I don't deserve them as I was doing bad deeds. But as time passed by, I really liked them so much and I couldn't think of others like that anymore. And they knew what I did to you and we both talked and I kind of told them I regretted what I did to you and they helped me change" I said to him and smiled when I  remembered Jin hyung.

Jungkook smiled at me, showing his full bunny teeth. "That's really nice hyung! I hope they like you back. You are really a good person behind your mask. Can I ask who it is though?" He said and asked me. I smiled at him.

'He's such a sweet angel' "Please don't judge me though. It is Kim Seokjin hyung" I said as he widened his eyes. "WHHAATTT??!!!" He yelled. I shushed him "Don't shout Jungkook! Its a secret" I said as I placed a finger on my lips.

He nodded fast and kept a finger on his lips. "Ok hyung. I hope he will like you back. I'll root for you two" He said. I smiled "Thank you Jungkook. Well... can I hug you?" I asked as I felt overwhelmed by his kindness.

He nodded and we both hugged each other. He was so much smaller than me. "But are you gay too Namjoon hyung?" he asked. I sighed as I said "No Jungkook, I am only gay for him" I said as he giggled and nodded.  

Suddenly the door opened and his boyfriends came in. They ran and separated us both and the Taehyung guy hugged him as the other pushed me back harshly. "What's going on here?" the Jimin guy asked. I saw as Jungkook gasped and came to Jimin. 

"Hyungie, he was just asking sorry" he said and back hugged Jimin. Taehyung came near Jimin and looked me up and down. "Woah! Really? He said that to you babybun?" he asked as Jungkook nodded.

"He did hyungie. He said he was sorry and that he is changing for the person he like and he did it because of his bad past" Jungkook said to the others with a smile. They both looked at me skeptically for a while and I just looked down all the time.

"Fine then... If kook have forgiven you, then we do too" Jimin said. I snapped my head back up for the third time in that 10 minutes. I thanked them both. "But who is your crush though?" Taehyung asked. I blushed a little and looked down.

"Well...." I hesitated. " You can tell them hyung. They too won't judge you" Jungkook said. I looked at those three and sighed "Its Kim Seokjin..." I said and they both yelled "WWHHAAAATTT??!!!" I winced at the sound and closed my ears.

"You like our friend?!" Taehyung asked me as I nodded. "Well don't worry. We'll root for you both" Jimin said. I smiled at that and thanked them again. Then the bell rang and we all went to our classes. I felt really grateful to be friends with those good and kind-hearted guys. I will ask sorry to the Yoongi and Hoseok guys later.

Hi fella readers!~

How are you guys? How is your day? Hope you all are doing good!

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