Omelia Begins

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Owen's POV
I woke up to the same old bed, the same old house,and the same old life. Although one thing was different. This day exactly one year ago, Cristina left for Zurich. She had promised to call and to visit Seattle, but it never happened. The time just got away from her. "Crap my pager. Where is it?" I find it hooked to my pants that were laying on the side of my bed. I meant to do wash last night. My pager read. Incoming trauma : 7 y/o male car vs boy, obvious head injury. Just what I needed to get my morning started. I put on my same clothes I had on yesterday and headed in. When I got to the hospital the place was so slow. The only people there were interns, the nurses, and April. I put on the trauma gown and head outside. When the ambulance drives into the lot, I scream into the nurses, "page Shepherd again". The nurse looked confused. " Amelia Shepherd". Could people not get it thru their heads that Derek left 3 days ago and that Amelia took his place? I run back outside, they are just getting the boy out of the ambulance. We roll him in and someone yells "Page Karev". One of the interns said "Dr. Hunt the stats are low and dropping." I tell April "Book and OR and tell Shepherd to meet us up there. We need her. Karev, great come on we are headed up to the OR" I am in the elevator with Karev and he says, "Really she still hasn't answered her page? Derek would be scrubbing by now." I say, "She will be up there when we get up there." I said it like I meant it, but knew that she wouldn't be. Alex says "For this little boy's sake I hope she is".

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