Chapter 10

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Sorry about making you wait this long for an update. I have been really busy and not really motivated. But I will try to update every month. Thanks for all those who has stayed with me thru out this story.

Thanks Loves
Alaina 💘💘💗💗

Amelia's POV

I am paged down to the ER. I rush in and I hear screaming and crying. But I know the person crying, I recognize that cry. 

"Meredith! Why are you crying??"

"M-m-my p-person is in there!"

"What do you mean?" I didn't understand what that meant.

I see Owen in the room crying. I walk in and I can't believe who I see.

"Dr. Yang! Cristina! What happened?"

"I was coming back to Seattle to visit. This is my second flight that has crashed. I have to be bad luck or something." Cristina said jokingly.

"Cristina!! How bad are you hurt? What do her films say?"

"We haven't gotten films, she just came in. She was a Jane Doe, until we unwillingly claimed her!" Miranda said jokingly.

I am thinking. I go outside and tell Meredith that she is awake and joking with everyone. That seems to calm her down for now. But she is still crying.

"Meredith. What if I take her to get her labs and X-rays and all that. Would that calm you down?" I say

"Pl-plea-please" she gasps out between cries.

"Okay. I will let you know what we find, IF we find anything"

I go back into the trauma room and she that Cristina has lost her smile but she still has a heartbeat.

"Owen, you need to leave. We are going to take her!" I say almost choking saying that. It broke my heart to see him like that.

Owen grabs my arm, "please let me know as soon as you know"

"I will. I am so very sorry"

I am rolling Cristina to the full body ultrasound. I hear a cough and look down.

"You care about him. Don't you?" She can barely speak but she coughs it out.

"I do. But right now I need to care about you." I say

"Don't. I want to die. I can't see Owen, my lover and soul mate, with another woman. "

"Cristina don't say that. Owen and I aren't together, together. We are just good friends. "

"Bull shit. Stop lying to me. He loves you, I can see it his eyes. And you love him back." Cristina says crying.

The tech comes out to grab her. I am just in shock. I just stand there.


Her stats go flat. She starts convulsing. I run over and turn her on her side. She stops convulsing. There is blood running out of her ears.

"Get an OR set up for an emergency craniotomy. NOW! We aren't going to let her die!"

We get to the OR and I scrub in. I walk in and Owen is sitting in the gallery crying. I can't look at him. I walk over. I start the operation. I see the bleed and cauterized it. But there was still bleeding. I see another bleed, while I am trying to get to it, her brain starts to swell. I think I got the bleeder. Owen walks into the OR.

"No Owen you need to get out."

"She is dying Amelia. She is dying. And she wants to die. I can't let her." He says quietly almost in a whisper.

"Owen her brain has swelled. We have to wait for the swelling to go down. But the is a 85% chance of her no waking up. you have to realize that."

I tell the nurses to take her to the NICU. Owen has tearing running down his face. He bolts out.

I chase after him. He goes into an on-call room. I follow and close the door and lock it. He is having a panic attack. I just start hugging him. He calms down. He looks down at me.

"Amelia. I love you. I want to be with you" he kisses me and pulls me onto the bed. 

"Owen not like this. You are just in shock. We can't do this now."

"I want you now." He kisses me and pulls down my scrubs. Pulls my top over my head.

He starts to finger me. I like it but now is not the right time. I moan and it just pushes him farther.

He is now rubbing me and undoing his pants. He get it out and let me just say it is pretty big.

He puts my hand on it and I rub. He stops me and he gets in the right position and puts him inside of me.

It is an amazing sensation. I am moaning. He just keeps pumping in and out and I climax but I know he isn't done.

He keeps going. He starts kissing me. I climax again but he still isn't done. He is going slow then fast.

He starts to moan, he hit his climax and just after I hit my 3rd and final one. He rolls next to me and just lays there. Not saying anything.

I start to get dressed and am about to leave when I hear him crying. I left the room without another word.

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