Chapter 7

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Owen POV
I can hear her car pull up. I am so excited but at the same time depressed. Every emotion she is feeling I am feeling with her. But I will get her through this. Her headlights turn off and car door slams and I can hear her walking on the deck.


I hear her knock and rush over to the door. I open it I see her smile and then her eyes roll back and she starts falling. I reach out and catch her by the waist. I help her into the trailer and lay her on my bed. I don't know if it is exhaustion or is she doing something else to hurt herself. I get a cold rag and put it on her head. She feels a little warm. I don't know what to do. Should I wake her up? Or let her sleep?

"Amelia. Amelia. Wake up. Amelia." I said while wiping her face with a cold rag.

Should I call 911? She isn't waking up but she has a pulse.

I say to her, "I am going outside to call 911"

"But you promised" coughed Amelia


"You promised that you wouldn't tell anyone."

"Amelia you were passed out for a good 10 minutes. That isn't healthy. Something has to be wrong."

"Nothing is wrong. I haven't eaten all day. I meant to eat when I got home but I could only think of you."

"But not eating all day wouldn't do that. It wouldn't make you pass out."

"It would if you lost a lot of blood. I completely forgot to eat after you 'helping' me. Then when I got home I hopped into the shower. I was thinking about tonight. I got out got dressed, put on makeup, and walked out the door."

"Amelia you have got to be more careful. Imagine if you were driving and you passed out. I can't lose you Amelia."

"You won't lose me. I will be more careful. Do you have any food?"

"Yeah I have food!" I chuckle to myself. She really thinks that she is okay???!! I really need to talk to her.

I hand her a grilled cheese and tomato soup. "So Amelia. We really need to talk about what you have been doing"

"I know what I have been doing Owen. I know it is bad. But it is better than what I used to do."

"Amelia I know you have had trouble in the past with stressful events. But I need to to get better."

"Owen last time I tried to get better and killed my boyfriend and almost killed my self."

"What do you mean"

"I mean. I was 3 weeks clean from using. And I decided I would just have a little to keep myself going. I used and then I used more and then more. I overdosed and so did my boyfriend and when I woke up he didn't. He was dead because of me." She said crying

"Amelia. What drugs were you using?"

"Why does it matter Owen? I was using oxy. It doesn't matter. After that night I went into rehab. And rehab wasn't working but I promised Derek I wouldn't use again so I found a different was to get rid of my pain. You can't tell Derek!!"

"I promised I would never tell. And I intend to keep that promise."

"Owen no one knows."

"I won't tell anyone"

"I should be getting home."

"Let me drive you."

"Then you would be stuck at my place. I am fine."

"I am not letting you drive home. You are going to stay here." Why did I just offer that? She doesn't want to stay here.

"Where would I sleep?"

Oh my god. Is she really considering it? "You would get the bed."

"Where would you sleep"

"I will take the hammock outside"

"Are you sure, Owen?"

"Positive now get some sleep"

"Ok see you in the morning"

Amelia shepherd is sleeping in my bed. How immature are you Owen? It is for her safety. I step outside and realize it is windy. I go back inside to get a blanket. I see her sleeping there peacefully. I grab a blanket. "I won't let anything happen to you. You are safe with me." I whisper and I walk outside and go to sleep.

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