Chapter 8

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Amelia's POV

I want to tell him thanks but he is already put the door. I feel bad. I am in his bed and he is sleeping outside. It is cold out there. But I wasn't going to argue. I was very exhausted for the day.

I kick off my shoes. Take my coat off and slip into his bed. It is so comfy and warm. I am falling asleep. I hear owen back on the deck and the door open quietly.

He comes in and grabs something and he says, "I won't let anything happen to you. You are safe with me."

I couldn't believe he said that!!! I wanted to say something but he thought I was asleep and that would have been weird. I fall to sleep.

I was expecting my dream to be all about owen and the perfect date with him and going back to the trailer and doing what I always wanted to do. BUT it was a horrific nightmare. Derek and Owen were in an ambulance and a pickup truck crashed into them.

I got a call that said my friend and my brother were in an accident. Do I want them brought to GSM or the closest trauma center? Of course I said GSM.

Derek had hit his head on the side of the ambulance and Owen had glass spikes all over his chest. The patient was killed in the wreck.

Derek was taken up to surgery. I go up to scrub, as I am scrubbing Miranda walks in.

Bailey says, "You can't operate he is a family member. You are not allowed!"

"He is my brother and I am not letting that piece of shit resident touch him."

"I understand but it is hospital policy."

"Bailey I am going in there, whether you like it or not."

"What don't you understand about hospital rules? The hospital could be sued. You could lose your license."

"My family isn't going to sue" I walked into the OR but it didn't matter Derek's brain had swelled. We couldn't operate.

"What OR is Hunt in? I want to check up on him."

A nurse replies, "There was never an OR scheduled for Dr. Hunt."

I run upstairs to find owen still in a trauma room.

"Why aren't we removing the glass shards?" I ask

April says, "Amelia when he fell into the glass cabinet with the medical supplies he hit his head. Hard."

"How didn't we know?"

"We were just assessing the obvious injury. We didn't realize that he had severe brain damage until it was too late."

"How bad is it? Will he wake up?"

"He had a severe brain bleed and if he does wake up he will most likely be non-functional."

"He will be a vegetable??!!"

"Yes sorry Dr. Shepherd. Now unfortunately you are put down as both of their medical contacts."

"Wait. Both?? Isn't Meredith Derek's??"


"You mean I have to pull the plug on both?"

"If they show no improvement in a month then yes."

I start to cry. But I hear a faint voice saying my name. "Amelia. Amelia. Amelia."



"It is Owen. You were having a bad dream. Screamming and crying in bed. Do you want to talk about it?"

"Owen I just woke up. Can I tell you later?"




He turns around and I hug him as hard as I can. He startled back but immediately hugged back. Then while still hugging I whispered in his ear

"Thank you for everything. You are my savior. I need you. I......."

He whispers back, "Don't say it. I know what you mean. And I feel the same way. But I want the first time we say it to be special."

We stop hugging and he gives me his cute little smirk and starts to make breakfast. He is making scrambled eggs.

I still am stunned by what I said and that he knew what I was going to say and how he felt the SAME way.

"We should probably get going soon. Are you just going to drive your car?"

"Yeah I am. But thanks for the eggs" I am walking out the door about to say goodbye

"Hey Amelia, would you want to have dinner with me tonight?"


"I was thinking we could do steaks on the barbecue. Or maybe chicken? And grill some veggies?"

"That sounds amazing! Let's grill steaks and some peppers and onions!"

"Ok. Coming over around? I don't know what time you get off. "

"I get off at five unless I get a emergency surgery."

"Ok I get off at five thirty so why don't we make plans for 6!"

"Ok sounds good. See you at work owen."

I walk out the door and get in my car and I drive away. Drive to the hospital. I am so excited. Funny thing is I am not a gossip but I need to tell someone but I have no friends still. I will tell Meredith if I get a chance!!!

But I still can't stop thinking about what he said. It keeps replaying,

"I feel the same way."

"Amelia stop you are acting like a fourteen year old."

But I still can't get him out of my head. I pull into the hospital ready the start a new stressful day.

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