Chapter 3

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Owen's POV
I couldn't have seen what I just saw. "No you are seeing things, it was just the way that the water was on her hand." I looked away. But, she noticed me looking, and it made her uncomfortable. She's walking into the OR and I say "Wait!" She turns around and gives me a look that says what but also says don't ask. So I quickly say nevermind. I walk into the ORA and they are just putting the patient under. The boy's skull is in pieces. Amelia takes the pieces out carefully. She says "Doctor Hunt, I could use your help with removing the pieces and suctioning." So I walk over beside her and start to help. Alex comes back and says there is a liver lack. We need to get in their now. "We need to stop the brain surgery and flip the OR to do a liver repair." Amelia says, "I can see his brain and I haven't even made a cut. Their is no way I am going to stop." Alex calmly says how much time until you can safely temporarily wrap his head so we can do the repair." "Give me 35 minutes" Amelia says in a irritated voice. I ask Amelia if she can do it in that amount of time. She says, "I have no clue." I help Amelia as much as I can. She is working so fast I can barely see her hands. Alex comes in and says, "You have had 40 minutes, he is going to bleed out. You can continue when we are finished." Amelia storms out of the OR. I can tell she is very upset. Alex and I get into the body and see the liver lack. We suture up the tear and start to close up the body, when his stats go crazy. Amelia rushes in and screams, "I need to get in their now, his brain is swelling." Alex and I step back. Amelia is yelling to people saying 'Get me this, give the boy that'. The monitor goes blank. I start compressions. Amelia grabs the paddles,"Charge to 200. CLEAR!" Nothing happened. "Charge to 300. CLEAR!" Again the monitor is flatlined. She yells, "Charge again." I say, "Amelia he is gone. Let him go." She says, "He would still be alive, if you and Karev, would have let me finish getting all the skull fragments out of his head." She storms out. Alex says, "Time of death, 7:53 am." Amelia is scrubbing out when I come out of the OR. She take one look at me and walks out. I follow her and push her into an On-call room. She looks PISSED! I start to apologize, but when I look down. I see their is blood running down her leg. Amelia looks down and runs out and goes in the girls bathroom. She comes out 15 minutes later and says to me, "I didn't realize my 'Aunt Flo came early' this month." I was relieved to find out that she wasn't having a medical issue, like a miscarriage or something like that. But she wasn't pregnant, so I didn't know what I thought. I am just glad she is ok. She turns and heads towards the elevator. I hear her pager beep as I hear a tray of tools hit the ground. I am walking down the hall, to see what it was. And a nurse screams, "Doctor Hunt! Come quick!" As I am running down the hall, I see someone passed out on the ground.

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