Chapter 5

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Owen's POV
I am running down the hall. I see a woman's body lying on the floor. I can't tell who it is. As I get closer I see her beautiful dark brown hair. I get the the body on the floor, and I freeze. I reach down thinking she is dead. I feel a pulse. I yell for a gurney. I don't know if she can here me, but I am repeatedly saying, "you are going to be ok. You stay alive." I don't know what is wrong. I get her into a trauma room and start to examine her. The inside of her thigh is bleeding again. But not from the same place. There is a new cut.

A nurse says, "Doctor Hunt, when she ran into the tray of tools a 10-blade stabbed her thigh. She pulled it out and then passed out "

I say to the nurses, "go check and see what she was paged for. I am just going to suture her leg" as they leave the room, I take a pair of scissors and cut her pant leg off so I can see what I need to suture. When I cut all of the pant leg off. I see bandages around her inner thigh. I will deal with those later. The cut from the 10-blade is close to a major blood vessel but didn't cut it. I suture it up, but am still trying to figure out why she passed out. I take a look at her inner thighs where the bandages are. I carefully peel the bandage off. I am shocked at what I see. I see blade marks into her skin. They are pretty deep too. "That is what was bleeding earlier" I say. I can't believe she cut her self. I take a look at her hands and wrist and see that there are cuts there too. I knew I saw those earlier but I didn't want to believe it. I bandage all of her cuts back up. I am about to leave the room when I hear a mumble. I turn around and she is moving. I say, "Amelia, you are fine. You just fainted from loss of blood."

She says, "From when I ran into the tool tray?"

I say, "Yes, and also when you decided to commit self harm." I felt bad for just saying it like that but, I knew I couldn't say it slowly. I just had to rip off the bandaid, so to speak.

"Owen it isn't what you think"

"Really, cause what I think is that you cut yourself before the surgery today. That is why you were late. You also cut too deep on your thighs that you lost a lot of blood. And that little cut from the 10-blade made you lose to much blood. So you passed out. Then I had to suture your leg. And then i saw your bandage. And I took off the bandage and saw that you lied to me. You lied saying that you had your period when really, you just cut your self for no reason. Am I close?"

"I didn't lie to you I just withheld the truth. And I have my reasons. So if you are going to be an ass about it and not let me explain then go ahead and leave."

"It isn't any of my business, why you do the things that you do. But I do know that self harm is not the way to go, when dealing with stress. I am going to let you rest. And instead of making you talk to the hospital therapist. You are going to come to my trailer tonight and have dinner, then explain. Does that sound okay to you?"

"Yes. And could you please not mention this to anyone? You are now the only person that knows. And I would like to keep it that way."

"Sure, Amelia. See you tonight at 6!"

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