Volume Two Ch. Five: Distress Vs Destress

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~Third Person~

"Now listen here when I say, Paladin. Yours! Okay. Paladin, White Fang? No. No. That makes no sense. Is that simple enough for you, you daft metal prick...! Oh look what you've made me do now!"

(Y/N) was yelling at General Ironwood in a South African accent, one that most likely comes from his previous employer, Kuben Blisk. He, as well as the aforementioned Ironwood, Ozpin and Penny, stood in Ozpin's office. The Headmaster of Beacon sat at his desk with Penny comfortably sitting in front of him. Although comfortable was anything hut given the verbal assault her "boyfriend" was given "Mister Ironwood." The latest thing to make his pissed off? The fact he dropped his cup of Morning Brew as a result of Ironwood being confused YET. AGAIN.

Why did all this occur in the first place? Well one must return some ten minutes ago. (Y/N) comfortably sat at his desk with Athena staring at him from outside as she occasionally squinted her eye at the Pilot's paper before him. It was a set of blue prints he had planned that would even out the playing field after what he witnessed. However, before he could continue working on that, a knock came at the door as he groaned out to ignore it.

"No, Ruby. You can NOT use Athena's Thermal Shield to bake s'mores! Nor cookies! Just stay away from her thermal shield. Period."

Despite how clear he made it to be that Ruby was to not step anywhere near Athena, the knocking continued.

"Oh my- Ruby! No! You won't bribe me with cookies! No matter how good they are and not matter how cute YOU are about it!"

Yet the knocking persisted as he growled with a curse under his voice but, that was the wrong thing to do. Suddenly, the burst flew open as the young Pilot jumped back and grabbed his Wingman. Little did he know that a Wingman was no longer the right weapon for this job as he was enveloped in a purple bubble. A sight that made his blood run cold. And even more when he saw Goodwitch with a scowl.

"Pilot? The General and Ironwood want to have a word with you over your little... 'mecha' fight."

"And I'll have you know I was on the path to a breakthrough! Now thanks to you, I lost my idea!"

"Well excuse us if the wellness of our people is at the top of our minds-!"

"Wellness? Did you not hear me?! A Titan, my Titan, can hold up to eight missiles in each pod system. Yours had well over that! You're preparing for a war! Except you attached all that firepower to an aluminum baseball bat! It may be all good and tough but the mention it meets something bigger than itself? It'll turn to dust! Literally in this case!"

Now (Y/N) was up in front of Ironwood's face as he glared at him with his helmet off so that way Ironwood knew how serious he was. Finally, Ozpin had enough as he then motioned over to Penny who happily nodded before walking up to (Y/N) and hugging his arm. Making him turn to her with a quizzical look.

"Come on! Calm down and have another cup of coffee, Boyfriend Pilot-!"


Both Ironwood and (Y/N) shouted as the latter had a deep red to his face before turning towards Ironwood with a mouth agape. Now the General was angered for different reasons.

"You courted Penny!?"

"No! Penny! Stop!"

"Okay, Penny. That is enough. I think the situation is now defused. If you two could please stop bickering, we must speak on an important matter. One that the Pilot here is in charge of."

Ironwood growled at (Y/N) as he tried to remove his arm from Penny's hold yet, she was proving to be far more of an issue. His feet were plated against her as he was completely parallel to the floor of the office as he tried pulling his arm away. Biting at her arm, came a metallic DINK as a gear swelled up in his eye. At one point, he even had a crowbar stuffed between her arms and his own before the tool just snapped. Cleanly as well! Giving up, he just stood next to Penny with the look of a pained puppy. Causing Ozpin to chuckle before growing a bit more serious.

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