Volume Two Ch. Seven: Night to Remember

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~First Person~

Things had chilled out since I arrived and now everyone was really just talking since the music was a bit more ambient than anything. Of course some people were dancing-like Ironwood and Goodwitch...by God I must be tripping balls. Someone must have spiked the punch. I was off just walking around when I saw Jaune approach Ruby so, I decided to join the two. A party of two is no good. Now three? Doable. The moment I was near, Jaune would notice me and go wide eyed as he blinked heavily.

"Don't say it! 'What are you doing here!? What did you do to my friend!? And why is Pilot!?'"

"I-I-! Woah! I didn't expect you to be here! And without a date!"

"Yeah...about that...he squashed her feet..."

"Wow. Gee. Thanks for the sympathy, Red..."

With a prolonged "oh" from Jaune, we all stood in awkward silence before Jaune decided to point out the painfully obvious.

"So, the three of us...dateless and awkward...hiding at the punch bowl."


"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but by fuck do words hurt, Jaune..."

Without a missed beat after I gave a comical sulk and "offended" grasp at my chest, Jaune would raise his cup to the air. A gesture that Ruby followed with one of her own as I groaned out.

"Ugh...I don't even have a cup..."

"To the socially awkward...and Pilot."

"I hope you trip on an ant..."

With a small chuckle from Ruby, the two would take clink their cups together as I let out a small stretch and pulled out my Wingman. A sight that made Ruby stare for a bit before looking over at Jaune with a small sympathetic look.

"Sorry things didn't work out with Weiss..."

"Eh. Neptune's pretty...cool. I can see why she went with him."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh come on. Not many people can pull of blue hair."

As Jaune went to sip from his cup, I internally cringed as I remembered a small phase I went through when I first joined the SRS. Yep. Blue tips. Bleugh. Mama Briggs and Lastimosa would always diss me when I passed by them. However, Ruby's next sentence made us both cough out in shock.

"No, I mean, Weiss came alone-"


"I knew it! Ugh! I'm a moron!"

Looking over at Weiss, who was currently messing around with a white rose that was limp, Ruby would speak. Meanwhile, the limp rose would be stood up by Weiss yet, slumped over soon after.

"Yeah. Weiss said she had too much going on to worry about guys."

Yikes. That hurt my heart to see her slump over a bit too. But what made me feel a twinge of anger in my heart and soul was when I turned to a source of laughter. One that was Sun, Blake and, you guessed it, Neptune. Who was the star at the moment with his joke he was pulling. Subconsciously, I slammed the cylinder of my Wingman into place as I then spun it. Looking at Jaune, he would let out a small growl as I went to go with him yet, something pulled me back...She had too much to worry about guys...Sighing out, I watched Jaune pass Ruby his cup.

"Hold my punch..."

"Go get'em, Tiger!"

Watching Jaune stomp on over, I saw Ruby lift the cup Jaune had just given her to her mouth and take a decent sip. Something that made me both repulsed and concerned as I don't think even Ruby noticed what she just did...

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