*Filler: Right Fit

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~First Person~

Dammit! How could I forget!? The Dance is just in a couple of hours and I NEED to find something to wear! Wait! I can call Coco...! Who's on a mission! Shit! Pacing around my dorm, I frantically tried to think of something to wear to the Dance. Yet everything seemed like a poor choice or just plain ole poor! Damn me and my military sense of fashion!


"In great distress! I could have had more time but I decided to play merry-go-round with that fucking Deathstalker!"


This ain't the same thing! With Coco on her mission, I only have one remote option left! And I know its a good option because Ruby sent me a message earlier saying Yang was picking out a dress for her. Even requesting I come save her yet, I was too busy fighting Grimm. Grabbing my scroll of my desk, I flicked it open before looking for Yang's contact info. And finding her? I immediately pressed down on the call option as I waited impatiently. I say impatiently but, she picked up almost a second later.


"Does it take you half an hour to respond!?"


Hearing Yang yelp out, I couldn't help but growl out as I practically kicked my door open as I began to run through the hall. Making my way to Team RWBY's dorm, I twisted the door handle and flung it open as I saw Yang standing in the middle of the room with her dress already on. She looked amazing but, there was a bigger issue at hand.

"What the-!?"

"Yang! Not the time for your antics!"

Dashing in, I grabbed her hand and began to haul her away as she yelped out but, I could swear I heard Ruby call out for her sister back at the room. Only to be followed by a "I'm free!"

It wasn't long until I got Vale with Yang in tow as I skid to a stop in front of that store that Coco had taken me to against my will...Huh. The irony. And speaking of irony, I soon felt Yang grab my shoulder and turn me to face her before-


Yeah! That was a headbutt! Now on the ground, I rolled in circles around Yang as she growled and barked out to me.

"Are you crazy!? You could have just told me yet, we ran all the way down here with you dragging me in my heels, you moron!"

"I need to find something to wear for the dance!"

"All this for a dance attire!?"

Stopping me with her foot, she picked me up onto my feet before grasping the sides of my face with a growl. However, she soon stopped with a pissed sigh as she walked on into the store while grumbling under her a voice.

"Hurry up before Ruby goes off the grid!"

"A-Aye Aye!"

Sprinting on in after her, I was greeted by the same view of the same store as expected yet, their clothing options had...jumped in terms of regality. Numerous tuxedoes, dresses, high end boots, all expected to have been chosen out for the fact Beacon was having its Dance in just a couple of hours. Not to mention, the students already being there to finish up paying...all guys mind you.

"Huh...Guess you aren't the only one."

"Gee, thanks...Let's just hurry up! Coco said my style is more casual but, not 'Vacuo Casual.' Her words, not mine."

"Hm...Then we aren't going to find that here."

Grabbing my hand, it was a twisted revenge plot when she hauled me out the door as I let out a yelp. Dragging me down the street with a few turns here and there, she was practically making me a human kite! I even had to use my jump-kit a few times to stabilize myself.

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