Volume Epilogue: Understanding

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-First Person-

Ow...Back at Beacon now, I was in my dorm doing some self-treatment thanks to the fight at the docks. Mainly sustained some bruises and cuts underneath my flight suit but, other than that? The only major injury was probably my relationship with the girls. Especially Ruby since, well, she saw me yank out a human being from a robot like mine before crushing them in my hand.

Admittedly, I went a bit over board but, tunnel vision is one helluvah bitch. Just what the hell are the IMC doing on this planet!? And how many of them are there?! An entire firebase!? A fleet!? Ow!Wincing out loud, I clutched my side since the bruise that was already there from the forest trip had now become a cut. One that I sealed up with some sutures.

Now that I think about it, basically of the IMCs forces were at the Fold Weapon...And I was there too. Now I'm here. Grunting out, my attention was turned to the door of my dorm room as Athena stood by the window. My attire really wasn't the best since I had the bottom half of my flight suit properly put on whilst the top half was undone. As for my undershirt, it was ruined so, that was trashed. All I had on in place was a set of bandages that was snuggly put to my body while some, I don't know, five ice packs laid underneath?

Opening the door, I was met by the faces of the girls along with someone I didn't account for, Ozpin. Well, he would definitely help out here. I didn't even think about contacting him. Among the faces was of course Ruby but, she seemed a bit...scared. Once again, my scarred, fucked up face didn't help the situation. However, Blake seemed the most pissed-and that's a fist.

Getting decked across the face, it didn't hurt as much as you'd think since it came from a rather weak person, Blake. But it catching me off guard was definitely a role in me stumbling back a bit as the girls instantly stepped back as she stomped inside. 

"Why did you murder those people!?"

"Okay, A, ow. B, I had a gun, they had a gun, we ALL have guns. What the hell did you expect to happen!? And you seriously need to work on that punching..."

I said as I pointed to Blake's fist to show it was red, meaning her form was sloppy and way out of her league. She growled and went to throw another punch but, her fist was engulfed in purple. Everyone turned to see Goodwitch now standing next to Ozpin, who simply sipped his coffee.

"Thank you, Glynda."

Grunting softly, she let go of Blake's hand as she growled at me. More like hissed but, hey, now wasn't the time for jokes. Ozpin decided to speak first.

"Girls? Let's all calm down. I mnow everything witnessed at the docks was a bit...excessive but, Mister 'Pilot' has an excuse for all of that."

He said with air quotes as the girls then turned to me. Taking a deep breath, I sat down on my bookshelf near the bay window and right in front of Athena.

"SRS Pilot, Sergeant (Y/N) (L/N). Before anyone asks...Yes, I'm seventeen."

The girls, minus Blake, seemed confused at this title I gave them.

"Mister (L/N) isn't of Remnant. His identity was given and trained by myself and Goodwitch. How he was able to come here is unknown."


Turning to Athena, she spoke out with all eyes on her.


"Typhon is a planet in what we call 'The Frontier.' The deepest part of reachable space humans have reached. In my world, we've gone to the stars and back. However...the Frontier is also a lawless place with most of the justice being served in the form of a bullet. The Fold weapon was reverse engineered to ripple time and space. So its likely that it going off so unstably caused me to get sucked into this place."

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