Vol. Three Ch. Two: Lover's Quarrel

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~Third Person~


The young Pilot would not so valiantly march alongside a stone path running alongside Beacon's shoreline as he just finished yet ANOTHER call from the JVFTF. His helmet under his arm since its antenna jabbing into him was what kept him awake. It was...straining to say the least. Especially given the fact that one of the culprit's had an negating semblance that was only countered when the Pilot through a park bench at the suspect. At the end of the day, it was FAR more work than it should have been.

Now, one might ask "Why walk this path when he could have rode a Bullhead to the Academy?" Well, that was due to the fact a high priority Atlesian ship had been flying into the airspace. Causing all ships to e delayed a half hour. Instead of waiting around, he walked because he wanted to arrive to his dorm and simply crash.

However, upon entering Beacon's courtyard, he would notice a large crowd of students watching as a high priority Atlesian ship landed at the edge of the courtyard. Two figures would stand out to him though and that was Ruby and Weiss with the latter having a large lead on her leader. Chuckling to himself, he felt a minor boost in energy as he stretched softly to go meet up with the two.

"Weiss! What is the big deal!? Who is it!? Who is she!?"

Ruby tumbled a bit as Weiss came to halt with her having to do the same yet, the young Pilot noticed a smile on Weiss's face that was more happier than when she saw him. And then he heard an answer...


Looking at the one who was walking down from the ship's ramp by crimson accent colored Atlas Soldiers alongside Atlesian Knights, the Pilot's jaw would drop as his eyes went wide. The next line from Ruby was more than a confirmation.

"Wait...your sister...?"


Although, Ruby was definitely taken aback as well when Weiss uncharacteristically yelled out her sister's name. Causing the Weiss yet older variant to turn to her little sister with an authoritative glare as Weiss and Ruby ran up to her. The Pilot not too far at the side as he watched on in awe at the striking similarities of Winter and Weiss. Although both equally beautiful yet, the latter was more due to the Pilot not wanting to be scolded.

"Winter! I'm so happy to see you! Oh..."

Weiss then gave her sister a curtsy as the elder Schnee slowly made her way up to them. Her hands behind her back in the typical military officer mannerism that made the Pilot grunt.

"Beacon...it's been a long time...The air feels... different..."

"I mean it is fall, so, eh, it's probably colder."

Followed by a punch to the shoulder from Weiss that made Ruby buckle down with an exaggerated wide eyed look with her mouth agape.

"Oh Christ alive, Red..."

~First Person~

Having just made my presence known, I was soon met with smiles from Ruby and Weiss with my girlfriend's being brighter. However, they both soon faded as they saw just how horrible I looked given I was tired beyond a doubt. As for Winter? She would cock an eyebrow at me as she looked me up and down. Almost as if she was trying to make connections.

"You...are you Atlas...?"

"Ex-Atlas. Now Beacon."

"I see..."

She soon gave me a glare that I responded with a small grin that took her by surprise when she cocked an eyebrow up. Before things could get anymore awkward, Weiss interjected as I gave her a silent thank you via discrete wink.

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