*Filler: Breaking the Ice

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~Third Person~

The muffled, hiccuped and exhausted cries of Weiss could be heard under her blankets in Team RWBY's dorm. All the lights were off per request by Weiss who complained about the lights being too bright. It has been merely a few hours yet, she has not once got up to change attire, shower or eat after what she witnessed in the Amity Colosseum tunnel. Her boyfriend...her Pilot...her savior from time to time, locked in a passionate exchange with another girl. The event still playing itself over and over and over in great detail within her head. The way the saliva connected their lips, how his hands ran up and down her outer thigh, the way he called her "Love."

This grim reminder only caused her cries to amplify yet again as she couldn't help but remember their time together even before they were together. Ruby, Blake and Yang walked into the dorm room to see their teammate still beneath her covers as well as darkness. The sight was...depressing, to say the least yet, their reactions were varied. Ruby was saddened and distraught as her mind tried to find some explanation to why he would do something like this. Blake was, much like Ruby, confused how these two lovers, who received blessings from Winter herself, now ended up in this situation. As for Yang? She couldn't help but feel a seething anger that only wished to seek out her once friend to give him plenty more hits like the one she gave in the tunnels.


The leader of the team took initiative as she went over to her partner to sit upon her bed and beside her. Placing her hand out, she placed it upon the lump of fabric as she rubbed Weiss's back softly and in a caring manner.

"I...I'm sorry you had to go through that...But just know, I'm here for you. So is Blake, Yang, JNPR, Sun, Neptune, everybody! We're all here for you no matter what."

"Yeah! Who needs boys when you got the girls!"

Ruby's kind and reassuring words were met with Yang's enthusiastic as well as, attempting , up-lifting mood. Something that caused Blake to giggle with a hand to her mouth a she shook her head.

"Yeah. We are. After all, you did sort of tell me that no matter what, we'll be there for each other."


Weiss's somber, heartbroken tone was only met with cheers from the girls with Yang being the loudest. A loud volume that made the Schnee groan as she sniffle.

"Could...I have tea...-?"

"On it!"

With a goofy salute, Ruby dashed out the room with a trail of rose petals in her wake.

"Maybe a nice book from the library, too..."

"No worries. I know just the thing."

Blake stood up and promptly left a lot less...speedy than Ruby had done.

"And...a nice change of sheets."

"Perfect! I'll go ask Professor Goodwitch!"

Yang went to leave yet, Weiss soon stopped her when she poked her head up from beneath the blankets. Besides her eyes being puffy and red due to crying, not to mention the still very much present soot on her face, the sight was heart-wrenching for Yang.

"Thank you...all of you..."

"Eheh. That's what friends are for~!"

Yang gave a toothy smile before leaving to go on a journey to find new bed sheets and that didn't take long. Now heading back with those sheets in her arms, Yang would hum lightly to herself until she saw something that made her angry. It was Athena speaking with Ruby who was carrying a small lunch-tray with a cup, packets of sugar as well as milk. Despite them not fully recognizing Yang was present, Yang could very much hear their dialogue.

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