Vol. Three Ch. Seven: A Courier's Hopes

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~First Person~

Come on. COME ON!

"Athena, can you please go faster!?"


Fuck! Sucking my teeth with a small growl, I still had thoughts racing through my mind. Why did Haytham basically help me escape? Why did he just hand me over to Athena? More importantly, why did he spare me? He had more than enough time to kill me when he aimed at me with that P2016. Still, right now? I was more focused on trying to get to Amity Colosseum in time. Looking down at Athena...?

~Third Person~

The young ex-IMC and ex-Apex Predators Pilot has been on the run for over two weeks. For two weeks, he had been hunted down by rival mercenary groups, IMC and what was basically vengeance fueled people hoping to catch him slip. The previous two were no issue since he would simply drop them with a small fight and there. However, the latter? He found himself holding back because he didn't want to kill these, what were to him, innocent people. Yes they had hate and killer intent but, at the bottom line? They were grieving.

Something he was doing since he now had no life. In the IMC? At least he could help children stay alive in the program. In the Apex Predators? He was using those skills to make a living. But now? He was no better than before when he initially escaped. He knew not where to go or who to turn to. All he knew now was to survive...

However, right now? He was going to take a one way ticket to an outer colony that would hopefully give him meaning. Yet, that was easier said than done since he had to ditch everything minus Athena's Data-Core, his A.D.A.P.T Gauntlet and helmet. Things he hid in a large crate that he marked with a piece of cloth on a nail sticking out of the box. Currently, he wore a set of black pants, an equally black bomber jacket with a hoodie, and a pair of grey boots. Admittedly, being in clothing of this type was...foreign yet, required.

He was waiting in line to board the ship that would hopefully take him to a new and better life where he could live in peace. However, as his turn was coming up after two more people, he would hear a commotion as he turned around to see two men offloading that same crate from the ship's cargo bay area. A piece of white flailing in the small drafts of wind.

"Is this it?"

"Yep. Undocumented. Check whatever is inside. Salvage what you can, throw the scraps to the forgery."


Hearing this, his heart would sink as the line moved up. One person ahead of him now as he watched the box begin to grow further. He began to contemplate a lot within that one moment as he thought about it all. If he stays in this line...he can escape everything. Just him and him alone. He could make his life whatever he wanted it to be. But...if he goes after that crate? He would be putting all that to waste yet, keep Athena and his Pilot background.

"Hey, kid? Ticket."

Looking at the man who asked for his ticket, he would contemplate yet again as he held it out...

"Keep the ticket. Give it to somebody who wants to get on but can't."

"Oi, kid! Oi!"

Whipping around, he began to chase after the crate as it grew further and further away due to being put on a grav-lift. Going at full speed, he could still feel the grav-lift's tracks giving off static electricity to show it wasn't slowing down any time soon. Yet, he soon saw an opening to get on the box. One he gladly took.

Running up a set of stairs running along a building, he would leap onto a door that was wide open and kick off it. Grappling a nearby ledge of a roof, he yanked himself up while kicking his legs up to get on top faster. Standing up, he slid down a tiled roof via laying against his left side with his hand being a sort of steering mechanism. Right then and there, he saw the crate heading towards a warehouse as he growled out. Leaping from the roof he was on, he swung his limbs whilst heading towards a building opposite to the one he was on.

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