Book 2: Part 23

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You see the cut flying in your direction and you thought you will surely die. Even Aleksander believes it. His eyes talk to you. Open wide and full of shock and fear but in on second you gets bumped by something. You fall on the ground. Above you the creature made of shadows who protects you. Your eyes follow the cut, who sliced a tree in two.

The monster above you hisses at his creator. A deep growling come out of his teethy mouth as you stand up. Tears and fear in your eyes. He would have killed you. But you tried to kill him to or not? Maybe a little bit. You wanted to hurt him but if he uses the cut, no one has the chance to escape it. So he knew the risk.

Aleksander's eyes move with every movement of your body. "Y/N..." he begins. "Please...I don't...I am don't want to....Y/N."

"" your voice crack and you have to clear your throat. "I really thought you like me. Maybe even love me. As I do." Your eyes filled up with tears. "But I am just one of many drops in your ocean."

"You are not." He contradicts. Heavily trying to sound strong but his voice shiver together with tears on his eyes "Yes, Zoya visit me, after you left. She kissed me and I....I return the kiss....I open her kefta. I let her." Then he shakes his head and take some steps. "But I want nothing more than replacing her with you. It was the evidence for my feelings for you. I ended it and kicked her out. Y/N believe me. "

"I do." You confirm. "But, you let her do it. You even return the kiss. I thought I am more important to you, then making out with someone directly after breaking up, just to see if your feelings are real."

He tries to reach you, but you step back, starting to run to the little palace. The darkling tries to follow you but get stop by his own monster. He watches you, till you disappear, then lift the dirty ring of the ground and then follow you after a minute inside.

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