Book 3: Chapter 20

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Little colorful cupcakes and biscuits on the table. Different pots and bottles with different liquid drinks. Tea, coffee, Juice. The food stands out in the dark dining room. The tablecloth remains white, but black silky bowls have been attached to the wall and ceiling. She sits on black wax candles on the tables and on the black chair.

Like the queen of Grisha, she lets her gaze wander around the hall. Laughing and gossiping at the long tables. "Your presents have all been stowed in your room so that you can open them in peace." It sounded from Ivan who was standing in front of the table. "Good. If I see it correctly, I am still missing two presents. "It sounded from her. "Oh Ivan, we're going to unwrap the presents together. Not resist talking. And bring Uncle Fedyor with you. "Ivan's mouth twitched into a smile. "Naturally."

His gaze went from side to side. He was sitting on her left. Aleksander. General Kirigan. The lord of the little palace. She sat on the left. The second woman in his life he loved more. Almost adored. "What do I get from you?" She asks now and licks the cream of the pink cupcake off her fingers. The muffin was made of vanilla batter. In the middle a core of chocolate and raspberry. She already ate a blue one which was chocolate with a bluberrie filling.

Did you see the black foal?" Asks Aleksander. "Yes." He smiles. "It's yours. But it still has to grow before you can ride it. "The happy eyes prove to him that the gift was right. He had seen the envious looks so often when he sat on his black horse.

"Well, the present will take a while for me." It sounded next to her. Asja turns to you and Aleksander also looks at you questioningly. Before you could explain yourself, a servant interrupts you. "Some wine, Mam?" You raise your hand in the negative. "No thank you."

Aleksander's smile and facial features slipped away. Because you usually don't turn down a glass of wine. With a smile you see his reaction and then look at your daughter. "You're going to be a big sister. Happy Birthday." you explain. Aleksander's mouth opens slightly and he stares at you. For a moment it seems like a broken toy that no longer knows what to do. Asja laughed happy. "I am going to be a big sister!!"

Suddenly he gets up, went to the back of his actual chair in the hall and stands by you. "Are you pregnant?" He asked as if he didn't believe it. "Yes." You confirm him. "Secure?" "Aleksander, it's not the first time. I think I can judge that well. " His expressionless but overwhelming face turns into a radiance.

He pulls you up by the hand and before you know it, he had you wrapped in his arms, lifts you slightly off the floor and turns with you. As soon as your feet touch the ground again, he kisses you deeply and puts a hand on your cheek. Your heart seemed to be bursting with happiness. As if everything was now as it should be. Right and good. They would now be a complete family with all the trimmings. The overwhelming feeling of happiness contracted in your chest.

It didn't even bother Aleksander that he showed such feelings in front of everyone else. He too felt this feeling of happiness and couldn't believe it. He ignored the confused looks of the others present. "I love you," he whispered to you. With his eyes closed, he lays his head against your forehead. If his own child was around now, he should finally feel complete. Finally arrived and no longer alone. He hoped so. Perhaps he even passed his skills on to the child. He sees a blossoming era flaring up in front of his inner eyes.

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