Who's This

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"Hey!" Wanda says as we both walk into a big room. There's a couch....an alchohol shelf..a giant tv...and pizza boxes full of pizza on the big table.

"Ey!" "You made it!" "Heyyy!" They all started saying, and laughing, then everyone saw me and the room went silent.

"Who's this?" One man asks. His voice is deep and he has blonde hair and blue eyes. The name is Steve Rodgers... of course, everyone knows him though.

"This is Y/N. She lives down at the apartments on Main." Wanda says, smiling.

"Well then, welcome!" Another says. This one's name is Thor, 'god of thunder'. He's very...boisterous. Everyone's eating pizza, playing games, laughing and talking, and they're all including me.

I smile as everyone makes me feel welcomed and loved....I've never felt like this before....

"Hey. I'm Peter." One young guy says, smiling at me. "Y/N, but you already know that. How old are you? You look a little young to be an Avenger." I chuckle.

I know good and well how old his is, who he is, and almost everything about him. But....can't blow my cover...even if I'm having alot of fun.

"I'm 16, you?" He asks. "I'm 18." I say, then smile. "Cool." He says, then runs off.

I look around and see one guy staring at me... he has slick black hair and is just wearing a black and green hoodie.. it's no other than the great Loki.

He walks over to me and I smile a bit. "Loki." He says, then hands me a drink. I take a sip of it and smirk at him. "It's nice to meet you." I say.

He smiles at me, "You seem interesting." He says. "In a good way?" I chuckle. "Of course."

After a few hours, few drinks, it's 11pm.

"I think she's a little too drunk." Tony says to Natasha. "Just maybe." Nat says sarcastically, "She sure fit in though."

Peter blushes and looks away as I twerk on Loki. He just smiles and grabs my butt, then I smirk.

"Wow, no respect, huh?" Steve says. "Hey, I'm not responsible for anything that happens when she does this." He smirks and raises an eyebrow.

I walk over to Bucky and sit on his lap. He kind of just stares at me. "Oh god...Y/N..." he blushes, then everyone laughs except him.

"My head kind of hurts Barnes." I say. "Yeah...get off." He says, then pushes me off and I just laugh.

"Okay guys, I think it's time to shut it down." Bruce says. "Okay, bye!" Tony says, with a drink in hand, then everyone laughs and kept partying. Peter just kinda sat back and ate pizza and watched the commotion, and Bruce went home.

"I like her, I think we should keep her." Peter says, "Also, She's 18.." Wanda's eyes get wide and she looks at Vision.

"So she probably shouldn't have drank anything..." she says. I holler out, then laugh and keep dancing and drinking, not knowing what's happening exactly.

"Too late now." Thor laughs. "This is hilarious." Sam says, looking at Bucky. "That wasn't funny..." Bucky mumbles and is a blushing mess, but trying to be tough as always.

I gulp another drink, and keep dancing with Loki. "Either it's just the drinks... or I've fallen in love Y/N." He says. I smile and laugh a little, then next thing I know, I'm passed out of the floor.


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